歌手头像-Richie Havens

Just Like A Woman

音乐人: Richie Havens

Just Like a Woman - Richie Havens

Tuning DADF#AD

Sorry folks, but you will need to bar with your thumb to get some of these chords. 
I'm assuming if you really want to play Richie's version of this song you'll 
already know what I mean. Richie begins the song gently and plays more 
percussively from the start of the bridge. Where I have indicated to play either D 
run 1 or 2 I have gone for what Richie normally plays but he tends to vary things 
as he sees fit. If you are a fan of Richie's style of playing it is really worth 
persevering with this song as it contains just about all the chords and sequences 
in his repertoire and will prepare you for many of his, dare I suggest it, easier songs.


A      777777
A7     777775
A7sus  777555
Bsus   999XXX
Dmaj7  XXX344
E      222222
E?     XXX112
Em7    XXX122
F#M    444344
G      555555
Gmaj7  555554

D chord runs

Run 1 (bass)

Play the Open D chord (emphasising the bottom strings)
followed by:-

Run 2

Play the Open D chord (mostly on the top strings)
followed by:-


X 2

Verse 1

Nobody           feels            any pain
Dmaj7            Gmaj7            A7           follow with D Run 1

Tonight          as I stand       inside the rain
Gmaj7            A7sus4           A7                       D Run 2

Everybody        knows            baby's         got new clothes
Gmaj7            A7               G              A7

Late…………         ly               I              see
Bsus             A                Gmaj7          F#m

Her ribbons         and her bows
A7sus4              A7

And her problems    as they fall   from her curls
Bsus                A7sus          A7  

And  she takes                 just like a woman
D                  D run 1     Gmaj7

And she makes love             just like a woman
D                  D run1      Gmaj7

And she aches                  just like a woman
D                  Drun1       Gmaj7

But she breaks     just like         a little girl
A7sus              A7                D               

D run 2 followed by   GMaj7  A7sus  A7   D

Verse 2 (slightly different start to first line)

Oh Queen Mary      she's       my friend
D                  F#m         Gmaj7
And I believe I'm gonna see her again
Nobody's got to guess baby can't be blessed
Till she finds out she's just like all the rest
With her fog, her amphetamines and her pearls

And she takes etc…...


Additional chords

Csus   Bar bottom 4 fret 10
Dsus   Bar bottom 4 fret 12
F      333333
F#7    444442
G      555555

It was raining from the first  and I was  dying there of thirst

F#7 ………………. (squeeze this chord on and off )

So I came               in here
Dsus                    Csus

Dsus   Csus  G    F  (descending run played faster)

And this long time curse hurts but what's worse

Is this pain in here    I can't stay in here   ain't it clear
Gmaj7                   A7sus4                 A7

Verse 3 

Oh that I,              I can't           fit
D                       F#m               Gmaj7

And I believe it's time for us to quit
And when we meet again,  introduced as friends
Please don't let on that you knew me when 
I was hungry and it was your world

Final chorus

And you fake just like a woman
And you make love just like a woman  
Then you ache just like a woman
But you break just like a little girl………

You break        just like     a little girl
A7sus            A7            D

(followed by an extended fast and furious D run 1 all along the neck)
She breaks    just like
E             A7………….   A7sus4   A7    D


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