C Cmaj7 Am v.1 Called to serve Him, v.2 Called to know the C heav'nly King of glory, richness of his blessing- G Chosen e'er to Sons and daughters, C D6 G G7 witness for His name, children of a King- C Cmaj7 Am Far and wide we Glad of heart, his C tell the Father's story, holy name confessing, G/D Far and wide his love Praises unto him D7 G G7 Em G proclaim. we bring. CHORUS C Cmaj7 C Onward, ever onward, Bbdmin7 G7 G7 G9 G7 as we glory in his name; G9 G7 Onward, ever onward, C C Cadd9 G as we glory in his name; C Cmaj7 C Forward, pressing forward, G7/D C7 F as a triumph song we sing. F F#m C/G God our strength will be; (pick the notes a g e d c) press forward ever, G7 F G7 C G G G G G Called to serve our King.