歌手头像-The Rolling Stones

I Am Waiting

音乐人: The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones - I am waiting

the cool sound comes from Brian Jones playing this little riff, but it works fine 
with chords ( it a change of C and F chords)


C/G         F           C   C   F     G   C
I am waiting, I am waiting (oh yeah, oh yeah) 
I am waiting, I am waiting (oh yeah, oh yeah) 
C        G       Am       F       C
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere 
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere 

You can't hold out, you can't hold out 
all year, all year 
You can't hold out, you can't hold out 
all year, all year 
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere 
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere 

Dm                 G
See it come along and
don't know where it's from 
C         C/B          Am
Oh, yes you will find out 
Well, it happens all the time 
It's censored from our minds  
You'll find out 

Slow or fast, slow or fast 
all year, all year
End at last, end at last 
all year, all year
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere 
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere 

Stand up coming years 
and escalation fears 
Oh, yes we will find out 

Well, like a WINTER STORM 
Fears will pierce your bones 
You'll find out 

Oh we're waiting, oh we're waiting 
all year, all year
Oh we're waiting, oh we're waiting 
all year, all year 
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere 
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere 

Oh we're waiting, oh we're waiting 
Oh we're waiting, oh were waiting... 



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