歌手头像-Lena Meyer-Landrut

I Like You

音乐人: Lena Meyer-Landrut

Fuer diese Version bracht man ein Capo im vierten Bund.

            G             B
A thousand bits a million parts
     Em         A
Tiny pieces make your heart
C   D   G
I like you

I heard you whistle the song we dance to
     Em                   A  
You remember the smallest details
C   D   G
I like you

G   C   D   G
I I I like you
G   C   D   G
I I I like you

                 G             B  
Our Footprints rearranged the leaves
            Em                    A      
You pulled me tight and said you see...
C   D   G
I like you

                 G         B     
You wrote your name on my sleeve
           Em                 A
So I can keep you always with me
C   D   G
I like you

G   C   D   G
I I I like you
G   C   D   G
I I I like you

C            G               D
The creases in the corners of your mouth
   Em          D          C
when they curl into a smile

C           G           D
That forms around you like a giant
        Em           D       C
light and warms me from the inside

             G               B
We will grow up but not just yet
            Em               A
Stay here longer so we don't forget

C   D   G
I like you
C   D   G
I like you


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