------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOGETHER - Sam Smith x Nile Rodgers x Disclosure x Jimmy Napes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by:ndermawan E-mail:ndermawan@yahoo.com Tuning: Standard LINK: https://soundcloud.com/methodrecords/sam-smith-x-nile-rodgers-x YT : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsU189WyU68 Fairly simple song in terms of the guitar playing, but layers with synth and epic Sam Smith vocals to make it really funky! Nile Rodgers' guitar style is really distinct, and he adds a lot to these kind of songs that have been popular recently (e.g. Daft's 'Get Lucky') Chords Used: Though you really only have to play the top 3 or 4 strings-ish to get a similar sound A#m9 A#m7 F#maj F#7 Fm7 F7 A#m9 A#m7 F#maj F#7 Fm7 F7 e|---8-----9-----2-----2----1----1-------------------------------------------| B|---6-----6-----2-----2----1----1-------------------------------------------| G|---6-----6-----3-----3----1----2-------------------------------------------| D|---6-----6-----4-----2----1----1-------------------------------------------| A|---8-----8-----4-----4----3----3-------------------------------------------| E|---6-----6-----2-----2----1----1-------------------------------------------| X is mute - hard to explain but the timing should be okay once you get into the or don't groove of the song strum at - Basically down-up strums in the same beat during the X's all - A#m7 is only strummed once in the pattern, at the end before it repeats A#m9 A#m7 D-U-x-x-x-x-x-U-U-x-x-x-U e|-8-8-----------8-8-------9----| B|-6-6-----------6-6-------6----| G|-6-6-----------6-6-------6----| D|-6-6-----------6-6-------6----| A|-8-8-----------8-8-------8----| E|-6-6-----------6-6-------6----| Guitar 2 - Asterisk symbols ** - when this is played; after the first "Together" e|--11/13-13-11-13---11/13-13-11------11/13-13-11-13---11/13-13-11-13--------| B|--------------------------------------------------------------------11-----| G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| Intro A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 ****** A#m9 A#m7 Verse A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 Kiss my lips and taste the Sauvignon A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 I wrap the vines around your thighs A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 I can see the kind of tip you're on A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 There's no confusion in your eyes Chorus F#maj7 F7 Let's unwind A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 ****** Together Together F#maj7 F7 Ease our minds A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 ****** Together Together Verse 2 A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 Taking sips to push the moment on, A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 But it's just the bottle that's run dry A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 Lose the watch 'cause we got nothing on A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 And I'm not keeping track of time Chorus F#maj7 F7 Let's unwind A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 ****** Together Together F#maj7 F#7 Fm7 F7 Ease.......our minds A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 ****** Together Together A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 ****** Together Together A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 ****** Together F#maj7 F#7 Fm7 F7 Ease.......our minds Outro: A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 Together Together A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 Together Together A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 Together Together A#m9 A#m7 A#m9 A#m7 ****** Together Together There are adlibs in the intro+outro but I won't tab those, just improvise! Appendix: Good video sampling Nile Rodgers guitar playstyle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S-HuLUWbbc End. ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************************************