歌手头像-Jay & The Americans

Lets Lock The Door And Throw Away The Key Now

音乐人: Jay & The Americans

Let's Lock The Door And Throw Away The Key Now:Jay And The Americans.
Billboard #11 and Cashbox #10 in 1965.

G     C        D         C              G
Let's lock the door, and throw away the key, now.
 C          D         C
(Shom dooby-dum dooby-dum-dum.)
G       C       D        C       G          C      D
I can't wait to kiss you(oh, no) one little minute more.

D           G           C     D              G
We met at a party, last week..and the moment your eyes
C           D                       G             C
looked into mine..right then I just forgot how to speak.
             G       C            D
And the soda started tastin' like wine..
D     C                        D                 C
how I wished everyone would go home..so, I could say
               D    C       D
when I got you alo..oo..oo..one..

Come on, now..
G     C        D         C              G
Let's lock the door, and throw away the key, now.
 C          D         C
(Shom dooby-dum dooby-dum-dum.)
G       C       D         C       G         C      D
I can't wait to kiss you (oh, no) one little minute more.

D             G            C                      G
We started to talk and you smiled..sorta like you knew
    C          D
the way that I felt.
D                  G            C
You moved a little closer, in a while..
               G         C           D
then I knew my heart was startin' to melt.
D                 C                D
There was just so much I wanted to say..but all the
C                   D    C       D
words came out this way..ay..ay..ay..

Come on, now..
G     C        D         C              G
Let's lock the door, and throw away the key, now.
 C          D         C
(Shom dooby-dum dooby-dum-dum.)
G       C       D         C       G         C      D   D7
I can't wait to kiss you (oh, no) one little minute more.

D7        G C D        G CD          G C D          G
Ahhhhhhhhh........no!............Oh, yeah!..No!.....Oh, yeah! Ahhh!

G              C                        D
I'll kiss your lips, like a kiss oughta be..
           C                        D   C       D
and then I know you'll be sayin' to me..ee..ee..ee..

Come on, now..
G     C        D         C              G
Let's lock the door, and throw away the key, now.
 C          D         C
(Shom dooby-dum dooby-dum-dum.)
G       C       D         C       G         C      D   D7
I can't wait to kiss you (oh, no) one little minute more..

G         C        D
Ooooohhh..I got to know..ooohh..(x3)(Fade.)

A sixties smash from Kraziekhat.


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