--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memories - Elvis Presley --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: maguri Tuning: Standard Memories (1968) From: "2nd to None" The recording is somewhere between G# and A - The first version I suggest here is in G. Use a capo 1st fret to play in G#. I added a second version version in A, too. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1 (G major; use capo 1st fret to make it sound G#) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHORDS E-A-D-G-B-e G 3-x-0-0-0-3 C/G 3-x-2-0-1-3 F/G 3-x-3-2-1-1 Bbmaj7 x-1-3-2-3-1 Bb/Ab x-1-1-1-1-x Em/G 3-x-2-0-0-0 Ebmaj7 x-x-1-3-3-3 Cm/G 3-x-1-0-1-x or 3-x-5-5-4-x C6/G 3-x-2-2-1-x --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRO | G | C/G | Gmaj7 | C | | Bmaj7 | % | | G | C/G | G | C/G | G C/G G C/G Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind G C/G G F/G Memories, sweetened thru the ages just like wine Bb Quiet thoughts come floating down Bbmaj7 And settle softly to the ground Bb/Ab Ebmaj7 Like golden autumn leaves around my feet Ebmaj7 Cm7 Am7 D Gmaj7 Cmaj7 I touched them and they burst apart with sweet memories, Gmaj7 Cmaj7 Sweet memories G Of holding hands and red bouquets Em/G And twilight trimmed in purple haze Cm/G And laughing eyes and simple ways C6/G Cm/G G C/G And quiet nights and gentle days with you G C/G G C/G Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind G C/G G C/G Memories, sweetened thru the ages just like wine G G/C G G/C Memories, memories G Of holding hands and red bouquets Em/G And twilight trimmed in purple haze Cm/G And laughing eyes and simple ways C6/G Cm/G G C/G And quiet nights and gentle days with you G C/G G C/G Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind G C/G G C/G Memories, sweetened thru the ages just like wine G G/C G G/C Memories, memories G/C Sweet memories (repeat and fade) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2 (A major) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHORDS E-A-D-G-B-e D/A x-0-4-2-3-x G6/A x-0-5-4-3-0 Bb/C x-3-3-3-3-x F#m/A x-0-4-2-2-2 Dm/A x-0-2-3-2-x D6/A x-0-4-4-3-x --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRO | A | D/A | Amaj7 | D | C#maj7 | % | | A | D/A | A | D/A | A D/A A D/A Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind A D/A A G6/A Memories, sweetened thru the ages just like wine C Quiet thoughts come floating down Cmaj7 And settle softly to the ground Bb/C Fmaj7 Like golden autumn leaves around my feet Fmaj7 Dm7 Bm7 E Amaj7 Dmaj7 I touched them and they burst apart with sweet memories, Amaj7 Dmaj7 Sweet memories A Of holding hands and red bouquets F#m/A And twilight trimmed in purple haze Dm/A And laughing eyes and simple ways D6/A Dm/A A D/A And quiet nights and gentle days with you A D/A A D/A Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind A D/A A D/A Memories, sweetened thru the ages just like wine A A/D A A/D Memories, memories A Of holding hands and red bouquets F#m/A And twilight trimmed in purple haze Dm/A And laughing eyes and simple ways D6/A Dm/A A D/A And quiet nights and gentle days with you A D/A A D/A Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind A D/A A D/A Memories, sweetened thru the ages just like wine A A/D A A/D Memories, memories A/D Sweet memories (repeat and fade)