Hopefully this is a tab most people will be able to follow, the majority of it is just 1 finger riffs, with some moderately easy bar chords although they can be made easier but more of that later on. This tab is based on the album version not any live versions. this song is the 7th track on hot chips 2010 album One life stand, which, in my opinion is they're best album yet and currently my favorite album ever, so naturally, i suggest you buy it. In This song there are many different synths, guitars and other random instruments. So, for the purpose of this tab, I will just call each instrument, instrument 1, instrument 2 etc. Simply because this is on ultimate guitar so your unlikely to take this and then go onto piano and play it although you could because the parts are inter changeable to many instruments. So Instrument 1 and kick drum come in e|--------------------------------------------|| B|--------------------------------------------|| Instrument 1 G|--------------------------------------------|| D|--3---------------------1-------------------|| A|-------4----1----------------4----3---------|| E|--------------------------------------------|| Repeat for about 2 minutes Instrument 2 fades in with vocal e|------------------------------------------------|| B|------------------------------------------------|| Instrument 2 G|------------------------------------------------|| D|-3-3---3-3---3-3---3-3---3-3---3-3---3-3---3-3--|| A|----4-----4-----4-----4-----4-----4-----4-----4-|| E|------------------------------------------------|| Repeat instrument 2 with the vocals Instruments 1 and 2 over vocals and then Joe Goddard and Alexis Taylor sing in harmony "Do you dig germs, the germs" This is where the bass comes in Instrument 3 G|------------------------------------------------|| D|------------------------------------------------|| A|------------------------------------------------|| E|--4-4---4-4-4--4-2-2---2-2-2-2-6----------------|| Repeat this bass At this point there is also a strange arppegiated chord that would be impossible to replicate on guitar and you would definatly need a synth. fortunately its not a massive part and can just be ignored. both instrument 1 and 2 continue at this point also a hi-hat comes in on the off beat. Then Joe Goddard comes in for a solo vocal without Alexis Taylor. around this time there is also an actual guitar that comes in with odd fills roughly based around these notes although to get it perfect you would have to spend a lot of time working out the exact details e|------------------|| B|------------------|| Instrument 4 Fill 1 G|---------8--8-6---|| D|--6h8--8----------|| A|------------------|| E|------------------|| These fills get played through most of Joe Goddard's singing until he sings "when we lie alone" when instrument 4 changes the fills to something more like this, although again when you play it you will need to mess around with it e|--4--4---2--|| B|--4--4---2--|| Instrument 4 Fill 2 G|------------|| D|------------|| A|------------|| E|------------|| Throughout this time instruments 1 - 3 are still repeating. Once Joe Goddard has sung this depressingly morbid lyric "and we die alone" instrument 5 comes in. Easily the most complex instrument of the song, it is my suspicion that this instrument (probably a synth) is played in 5/4 time or 7/8, although naturally when everything around it is in 4/4 its quite hard to tell so the only thing i can say is that it isn't in 4/4. although it is roughly played like this e|-----------------------|| B|-----------------------|| Instrument 5 G|-----------------------|| D|-4-4-3-3---------------|| A|--------4-4-1-1-----4-4|| E|----------------4-4----|| And then that is repeated for ages over the next verse. note that all the other instruments are still looping under this. the changes in the next verse are the drum beat suddenly gets a clap on the 2nd and 4th beat. Instrument 5 is looping and there are slightly different fills played by the guitar of instrument 4. once again you are just going to have to improvise, they are very similar to the fill 2 but with some Bb top notes in it. e|--6--6--2---|| B|--6--6--2---|| Instrument 4 Fill 3 G|------------|| D|------------|| A|------------|| E|------------|| then after Joe Goddard sings the Lyric "In the song my mother said" it goes almost purely top Bb stabs; e|--6--6--6---|| B|--6--6--6---|| Instrument 4 Fill 4 G|------------|| D|------------|| A|------------|| E|------------|| Then the beautiful harmony comes in of "oh there is no pain i know" which has fill 2 on instrument 4. This is sung twice which marks the beginning of the amazing (and quite long) bridge. The bridge is basically every instrument (including a piano that comes out of no-where) playing this chord sequence; F# major Eb minor C# major F minor having rated this tab as novice i understand they could be quite difficult bars for a beginner. so there are two alternative ways of playing it that are easier. Alternative way A). You can put a capo on the 6th Fret and then play the following chords; C major A minor G major B minor Alternative way B). You could also de-tune your guitar 1 semi-tone DOWN (lower) on every string so it would read; eb/D#|-----| Bb/A#|-----| Gb/F#|-----| Db/C#|-----| Ab/G#|-----| Eb/D#|-----| then you could play the following chords G major E minor D major F# Minor After repeating this for ages with a quiet part in the middle you then stop and play instruments 1 and 2 to fade out. the only difference being is that instrument 2 has a mountain of chorus on it. So That as far as i can see is about as much detail as i can or want to go into with hot chip's alley cats, I hope i have been of use. If you have any questions or thing any bit of it is wrong email me at [email protected] P.s if you haven't already got it, buy hot chips one life stand, its amazing Thanks, Paul Anders