I Hate Work C F through out whole song Well I climbed that hill every single day I'm piling up them trees until my hands are worn away It's a job and its got good pay But I'll be damned if I'll be doing this even one more day Well I've had every job on this big blue earth I flow from job to job I try to get me some work Work until my back hurts and then I get paid But that's not how I want to spend the rest of my days I've been a paper carrier but I got fired Houses complaining they weren't getting their flyers I've been the checkin guy at a fancy hotel Well kissing people's ass well there ain't no worse hell Well I fought fires in the BC woods The smoke's so goddamn thick I didn't think that I could And I brought you pizza right to your door And if you didn't tip me then I called you a whore I picked fruit in Australian heat I'd tell you about bananas but I block that memory You might think I'm lazy and you might think I'm wrong But if it wasn't this way I couldn't sing you this song Well I've had every job on this big blue earth I flow from job to job I try to get me some work Work until my back hurts and then I get paid But that's not how I want to spend the rest of my days I hate work