(Lyrics are for the Chainmail and Cello version) G You and I are kinda like D Romeo and Juliet In that I'm romantic and sweet, and you're an immature loser G With friends who are unreasonably violent You and I are kinda like D Castle and Kate Beckett in that I'm a total badass with extremely good looks G and you tend to say the wrong thing C In these stories, we want to know G "Will they or won't they?" D But with us, I know the answer... G We won't. C In these stories, we want to know G "Will they or won't they?" D But with us, I know the answer... G We won't. G You and I are kinda like D Jim and Pam, season 1 In that I have a job and a boyfriend G And you have a kinda weird thing with jello You and I are kinda like D Booth and Dr. Brennan In that I like dinosaurs and have a really great mind G And all you care about is murder C You and I are kinda like G Starbuck and Apollo D In that after all this G this going to end in an anticlimactic way C You and I are kinda like G Starbuck and Apollo D In that after all this unresolved sexual tension and emotional investment and time and money C this going to end in an anticlimactic way G You and I are kinda like D Mulder and Scully In that you're paranoid, and even when you're right G I look like the smart one You and I are kinda like D Counselor Troi and Riker In that I'm good at what I do and you are usually useless G (See, I switched it up that time.) C In these stories, we want to know G "Will they or won't they?" D But with us, I know the answer... G We won't. C In these stories, we want to know G "Will they or won't they?" D But with us, I know the answer... G We won't.