歌手头像-Tom Odell

Hold Me

音乐人: Tom Odell

The other tab on here is close, but I hear something slightly different...

Capo on 3rd

C/B played as x20010 or you replace this chord with 030000 (not sure what it's called. 
Sounds nice to change to this just before the change to F.

The chords are C, Cmaj7, C/B, F and G in that order throughout.

Note: You should play the C/B just before you change to F, so it's a quick C/B before 
moving to F. Sounds a bit more interesting. Listen to the song for the timing. The G is 
also played just before the change back to C. (Shouldn't be a whole bar on G)

Strumming pattern for those struggling can be simply:
D,  D,  D,  DU continued... and emphasise third downstrum.

C                          Cmaj7              C/B F
I shouldn't say it but I'm starting to think I care

I've had a drink, you probably think my judgement isn't clear

C                                  Cmaj7           C/B F
And it's getting late now, we're a long way from our homes

Before you leave, before you grieve, there's one thing you should know

         C                 Cmaj7
When you hold me, when you hold me in your arms

        C/B  F                            G
Oh when you hold me, yeah I can feel your heart

[Carry on playing same chords in that order throughout...]

When you hold me, when you hold me in your arms
Oh when you hold me, yeah I can feel your heart beating

Suddenly I'm standing on a treetop up so high
And all the songs, and all the poets, suddenly they're right
And I'm dumbfounded by the breaths [?] of your self control
But I don't care 'cause you're here, and you and I both know

When you hold me, when you hold me in your arms
Oh when you hold me, yeah I'm picking out the stars
When you hold me, when you hold me in your arms
Oh when you hold me, yeah I can feel your heart beating

Oh when you hold me, hold me in your arms
Hold me, I can feel your heart
Hold me, when you hold me in your arms
Hold me, yeah I can feel your heart

When you hold me, hold me in your arms
Oh when you hold me, I can feel you heart
Oh when you hold me, when you hold me in your arms
Oh when you hold me, yeah I can feel your heart beating


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