歌手头像-Never Shout Never

Lousy Truth

音乐人: Never Shout Never

Artist: Never shout never
Song: Lousy Truth
Email: [email protected]
Tuning: Standard
CAPO 2nd

I am positive this is 100% correct. 
Check out the music video on Youtube for the finger picking.
Pretty simple, hope you enjoy!

I tabbed this by ear, or chorded. Whatever you want to say.

I am not 100% sure about the lyrics. I wrote them all out as they sounded on the music video.

    E1                 C                 Am             G7 or G
E-0               E-x                E-x             E-3
A-x               A-3                A-0             A-2
D-x               D-2                D-2             D-0
G-x               G-0                G-2             G-0
B-x               B-1                B-1             B-0 
e-x               e-0                e-0             e-1 or 3


[Verse 1]
                C          G
Girl, I've been thinking a lot
      C                 C
About who we could have been
   G     C              G
If I was back home just chillin'
with you and all my friends

C       G/B     Am
    But dear I'm gone
    G                C
and that's the lousy truth

[Verse 2]
C  G         C      
   For the past 3 years
  G          C       
I swear I've been a better man
C    G        C
than who I've become
  G               C           
I know, I know, I know I let you down

C   G/B     Am
But I've been gone
    G        C
for too damn long

C E1 G
  So if you go away right now,

then I can guarantee
             C     G/B  Am
that I won't break your heart
 E1   G
  But if you go and stay,

then baby I will hope and pray
               C  G/B    Am
that you would run a  -  way
      G/B     C      G/B  Am
Cause dear it breaks my   heart
   G       C
to see you here

[Verse 3]
   G     C            G
So shine outward, not inward
You've been a selfish little girl
    G   C
For the past 3 years
     G            C
I've been through more than you can know

    G/B   Am    
and God I don't 
G           C
want you to know

C   G   C
What I have been through
      G        C             
cause you just wouldn't understand
       G      C              G
you're just a girl with some issues
as bad as it might sound
C    G/B       Am
But you're the girl
           G          C
who's been driving me mad

[Chorus 2]
C E1 G
  So if you go away right now,

then I can guarantee
             C     G/B  Am
that I won't break your heart
 E1   G
  But if you go and stay,

then baby I will hope and pray
               C  G/B    Am
that you would run a  -  way
      G/B     C      G/B  Am
Cause dear it breaks my   heart
   G       C    G/B
to see you here
   Am    C         G
So go to school in Chicago
       Am         C
find a new boy, a new life,
a whole new set of friends
               Am         C         G
Cause all that I'll ever do is break your heart
            Am              G
and dear it breaks my heart
to see you here
C     G/B     Am              G
Yeah, dear it breaks my heart
to see you here

But just so you know...
          C          G
I've been thinking a lot of
C                 C   
who we could have been
   G     C
if i was back home,
     G             C              
just chilling with you and all my friends
    G/B       Am
But dear, I'm gone
    G                C
and that's the lousy truth. 


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