xPavlo Adieo This song consists of just two guitars. One rhythm and one melody. Here is the rhythm guitar. This song is in key of C#m and follows the C# minor scale. Here is the picking for the chords: C#m G#m F#m C#7 e|---44---4---| |--44---4---| |---22---2---| |------------| B|---55---5---| |--44---4---| |---22---2---| |---66---6---| G|------------| |-----------| |------------| |---44---6---| D|------------| |-----------| |------------| |------------| A|-4----------| |------6----| |-------4----| |-4----------| E|------4-----| |-4---------| |-2----------| |------4-----| E B A F#m7 e|------------| |--77---7---| |---55---5 --| |---9--9---9---| B|---99---9---| |--77---7---| |---55---5---| |---10-10--10--| G|---99---9---| |-----------| |------------| |--------------| D|------------| |-9---------| |------------| |--------11----| A|-7----------| |------9----| |-------7----| |-9------------| E|------7-----| |-----------| |-5----------| |--------------| fill: e|------------------------| B|---66-------------------| G|---44-------------------| D|------------------------| A|-4-------/4---2---------| E|-----------------5--4--2| Main: x2 C#m x4 G# x2 F#m x2 C#m x2 C#7 x1 then fill F#m x2 Three strums on G# pause Three strums on G# Bridge: x2 E x2 B x2 A x2 C#m x2 E x2 B x2 A x2 C#m x1 One Strum of G# Repeat Main once and Bridge twice Breakdown (non-stop strumming): A B A B Rythimically: x2 C#m B C#m B A B A B End on C#m