歌手头像-Bert Jansch

Fresh As A Sweet Sunday Morning

音乐人: Bert Jansch

Bert Jansch-Fresh as a sweet sunday morning 
 F# B F# B F# B F# B C#

F#         A            B7
Fresh as a sweet sunday morning
B7     F#m           C#m  D              Bm
Like a high stepping pony strutting and prancing
Bm       D          C#m           
Ah she's so full of life
F#             A        B7
Sparkling with tiny red roses
F#           A        B7 
Let there be music to please her
F#m       C#m          D            Bm
Let it be sunbright to light up her day
Bm      D              C#m
Let the moon light her night
    F#             A          B7
And fill her with deep silent sleepiness
   F#       A             B7    
If I were a small bird so tiny
    F#m         C#m  D          Bm  
I'd hide in her hair just to be near her
D                 C#m
To hear her sweet voice
     F#            A      B7
And feel her sweet body beside me
       F#        A             B7 
And if I were a high lord with riches
    F#m           C#m        D           Bm
I'd clothe her in satin from India's far highlands
        D           C#m
I would shoe her in gold
       F#          A         B7
Then invite her to sit at my table
F#             A      B7 
Step out young lady a-dancing
       F#m            C#m      D          Bm
To the sound of sweet music so gaily come singing
         D         C#m  
For your beauty so rare
      F#         A            B7 
Is as fresh as a sweet Sunday morning

 F#m B7


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