3/4 time Lyrics transliterated from the original Russian (Cyrillic alphabet) Dm G Dm Prosti menya, mladshiy brat! Dm C F A7 Ya tak pred toboy vinovat. Dm G Dm Pyitat'sya vernut' nyel'zya C Dm Tovo, chto vzyila zyemlya. Dm G Dm Kto znayet zakon Byitiya, Dm C F A7 Pomog byi mne nayti otvet. Dm G Dm Zhestoko oshibsya ya; C Dm Ot smerti lekarstva nyet. F G F G Milaya mama! Nyezhnaya! F G Bb C Myi tak lyubili tebya. F G F G No vse nashi silyi F G A Potrachenyi byili zrya. Bb C F Tebya soblaznil ya Bb C F Prekrasnoy nadezhdoy G Am Bb Vernut' nash semeynyiy ochag. Gm7 Am7 Dmsus4 Dm Moy brat, ya vo vsyom vinovat. Interlude: Dm G Dm G Dm G Dm G Bb Am7 Dm Bb C Dm Dm G Dm Nye plach', nye pechal'sya, starshiy brat! Dm C F A7 Nye tyi odin vinovat. Dm G Dm Doroga u nas odna, C Dm Iskupim vinu do dna. Dm G Dm Mnye nye vchem tebya upreknut'. Dm C F A7 I ya nye obizhen nichut'. Dm G Dm Tyazhek, nash gryekh C Dm Khotet' byit' silneye vsekh. F G F G Milaya mama! Nyezhnaya! F G Bb C Myi tak lyubili tebya. F G F G No vse nashi silyi F G A Potrachenyi byili zrya. Bb C F Ya sam soblaznilsya Bb C F Prekprasnoy nadezhdoy G Am Bb Vernut' nash semeinyiy ochag. Gm7 Am7 Dmsus4 Dm Ya sam vo vsyom vinovat. Bb C F No chto zhe nam delat', kak byit'? Bb C F Kak vsyo ispravit', zyabyit'? G Am Bb Pyitat'sya vernut' nyel'zya, G Am7 Dmsus4 Dm Tovo, chto vzyila zyemlya. Here is a translation that works with the chords: How can I repay you Brother mine? How can I expect you to forgive? Clinging to the past I shared our blood / And shattered your chance to live. Though I knew the laws I payed no heed / How can I return your wasted breath? What I did not know has cost you dear / For there is no cure for death. Beautiful Mother, soft and sweet / Once you were gone we were not complete, Back through the years we reached for you / Alas, 'twas not meant to be. And how can I make amends / For all that I took from you? I led you with hopeless dreams / My Brother I was a fool. (Interlude) Dont cry for the past now brother mine / Neither you nor I are free from blame. Nothing can erase the things we did / For the paths we took were the same. How can I expect to call you wrong? / How can I blame you for what I've done? We both let our stupid, childish dreams / Fly us too close to the sun. Beautiful Mother, soft and sweet / Once you were gone we were not complete, Back through the years we reached for you / Alas, 'twas not meant to be. My dreams made me blind and mute / I longed to return to that time I followed without a word / My Brother, the fault is mine. So where do we go from here? / And how to forget and forgive? What's gone is forever lost / Now all we can do is live.