Artist: The Dear Hunter Album: Migrant Song: Bring You Down Tabbed By: A Dead Fly 0:15 when strings harmonize (Guitar 1 only) e|-9--------------| B|-9--------------| G|-11-------------| D|-11-------------| A|-9--------------| E|----------------| 0:22 - 1:15 (Guitar 1 only) F#add9 G#madd9 e|--------4-------|--------6-------| B|----------------|----------------| G|----------------|----------------| Repeat as D|----------------|----------------| necessary A|----4-----------|----------------| E|-2--------------|-4--------------| 1:15 - 1:35 Guitar 1 F#add9 G#madd9 e|--------4-------|--------6-------| B|----------------|----------------| G|----------------|----------------| Repeat as D|----------------|----------------| necessary A|----4-----------|-6--------------| E|-2--------------|-4--------------| Guitar 2 Fade in e|----------------|--------4<< Suggest correction What's this? You can suggest a correction to this tab. Community and Mods will review your correction and vote to approve or reject it.