BAND: Coldplay SONG: Green Eyes ALBUM: A Rush of Blood to the Head (SORT OF) TABBED BY: David L. E-MAIL: [email protected] This is my first tab, and it's mostly based on another tab that, to my chagrin, I can't access anymore. Thus, I cannot claim that this tab is my own, though I did make changes to it. This is not how the song is played by the band, but it sounds very good for a simple acoustic rendition. Comments, corrections, whimsical musings, etc. are welcome! == UPDATES == [11/09/07]: Realized I transcribed some chords incorrectly. Fixed. [04/02/08]: Once again fixed chords (oh noes!) and added alternatives. Thanks to Jimmyboy, supermancs, schroedersniper, 4tis, and mrevilguy for suggestions. ==== TUNING ==== CAPO 2 | D | | B | | G | | D | | A | | E | The high E string should be tuned down a full step, so it is the same as the third fret on the B string. This can also be played satisfactorily with standard tuning, if it is your preference. ==== CHORDS ==== G6 Dadd9 Am Asus2 C F7M e|-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----| B|-----3-----3-----1-----0-----1-----1-----| G|-----0-----2-----2-----2-----0-----2-----| D|-----0-----0-----2-----2-----2-----3-----| A|-----2-----0-----0-----0-----3-----0-----| E|-----3-----2-----------------0-----------| The strumming pattern is very simple, and is best acquired from listening to the song and trying to play along with it. Roughly speaking, it's something like this: ----------------------------------------- G6 Dadd9 Am Asus2 D-DU UDU D-DU UDU D-DU UDU UDU UDU ----------------------------------------- And no, those aren't protons and neutrons, they're strokes. (Smile if you get that!) The chords as given above are my suggestions. Alternatively, you can use Am7 (002010) instead of Asus2, and you can play both halves of the chorus using the same chord progression (i.E. replacing F7M with Dadd9). Capo 2. [Verse 1] G6 Dadd9 Am Asus2 Honey, you are a rock G6 Dadd9 Am Asus2 Upon which I stand, G6 Dadd9 Am Asus2 And I come here to talk, G6 Dadd9 Am Asus2 I hope you under - stand. [Chorus 1] Am C The green eyes, yeah the spotlight G6 Dadd9 Shines upon you. Am C And how could anybody G6 Dadd9 Deny you? Am C I came here with a load, G6 F7M C And it feels so much ligh - ter now I met you. Am C And honey you should know G6 F7M C That I could never go on without you. Am Green eyes... [Verse 2] G6 Dadd9 Am Asus2 Honey, you are the sea G6 Dadd9 Am Asus2 Upon which I float, G6 Dadd9 Am Asus2 And I came here to talk G6 Dadd9 Am Asus2 I think you should know. [Chorus 2] Am C That green eyes, you're the one that I G6 Dadd9 Wanted to fi - ind. Am C Anyone who tried to deny you G6 Dadd9 Must be out of their mi - ind. Am C 'Cus came here with a load, G6 F7M C And it feels so much ligh - ter since I met you. Am C And honey you should know G6 F7M C That I could never go on without you. Am Green eyes... [Bridge] G6 Am Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh G6 Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh [Outro] G6 Dadd9 Am Asus2 Honey, you are a rock G6 Dadd9 Am (strum and let ring) Upon which I stand...