{t:Along The Road} {st:Dan Fogelberg} DK Phoenix..1979 can hammer on Dsus4 INTRO [D] [E7] [G][D] [D][E7][G][D] # [D]Joy at the start, [E7]fear in the journey, [G]Joy at the coming [D]home, [D]A part of the heart [E7]gets lost in the learning, [G]Somewhere along the [D]road. # [Bm]Along the road your [G]path may wander, A [F#]pilgrim's faith may [G]fail,[A] [Bm]Absence makes the [E7]heart grow fonder, [A7]Darkness o[A7sus]bscures the [Gm]tra--[A]il. VERSE 2 [D]Cursing the quest, [E7]courting disaster, [G]Measureless nights for[D]bode, [D]Moments of rest, [E7]glimpses of laughter, [G]Are treasured along the [D]road. # [Bm]Along the road your [G]steps may stumble, Your [F#]thoughts may start to [G]stray,[A] [Bm]But through it all, [E7]a heart held humble, [A7]Levels and [A7sus4]lights your [Gm]wa-A[A]y. Following chords played from verse with vocals sung over Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh, [D] [E7] [G][D] [D][E7][G][D] [Bm] [G] [F#][G][A] [Bm] [E7] [A7] [Asus4] [Gm] [A] # VERSE 3 (same as 1st) [D]Joy at the start, [E7]fear in the journey, [G]Joy at the coming [D]home, [D]A part of the heart [E7]gets lost in the learning, [G]Somewhere along the [D]road. [G]Somewhere along the [D]road. [G]Somewhere along the [D]ro----ad.