...upgrade to Ventura41's excellent post. Give your wrist a rest by playing the verse in the 1st position. Play the (instrumental) melody in the 3rd position - with a C, Csus2 and Fmaj9, barring the 3rd fret. I found an easy way to get the chorus instrumental solo - use the 3rd position C chord, barring the 3rd fret. To get the solo, it's all about lifting your 4finger (pinky) and plucking progression. The trick is to transition between the 1st and 3rd position chords one bar before the melody, or vise versa. The 3rd position C is 335553 The 3rd position Csus2 is 335533 (i.e. lift the pinky off the B string) The 3rd position Fmaj9 is 535533 (i.e. give the low E string the middle finger - fuck you E string) For the verse (1st position [ch]C[/ch], [ch]F[/ch], [ch]G[/ch] & [ch]Am[/ch]); Pluck the 2nd string singularly and then the [4th and 5th] together. Alternate and keep time. verse i [ch]C[/ch] ( Suggest correction What's this? You can suggest a correction to this tab. Community and Mods will review your correction and vote to approve or reject it.