INTRO: First verse chords... F C G Am-Em When it™s all been said and done F C Am-Em There is just one thing that matters F C Em Am Did I do my best to live for truth F G C Did I live my life for You (Did I live my life for You) **END** F C G Am-Em When it€™s all been said and done F C Am-Em All my treasures will mean nothing F C Em Am Only what I'™ve done for love€™s reward F G C Will stand the test of time >>> F-C-G-Am-F-G-C F C G Am-Em Lord Your mercy is so great F C Am Em That You look beyond our weakness F C Em Am And find purest gold in miry clay F G C Making sinners into saints F C G Am-Em I will always sing Your praise F C Am-Em Here on earth and ever after F C Em Am For You'™ve shown me Heaven'™s my true home F G C-Caug-Am When it€s all been said and done F G C You'™re my life when life is gone >>> F-C-G-Am-F-G-C