There are many versions of this song, It is believed to have been written by a local school teacher shortly after the incident. the lyrics I will use here are bits taken from a few versions Most notably Jimmy Crowley's version (including the final verse as written by poet Patrick Galvin at Jimmy's request as a swipe at those who seek to paint history differently) Other version used; Wolfe Tones second half of first verse came from memory, don't know if it is actual lyrics of any version Also some lyrics fiddled with here and there Chorus can be sung after first verse, I just felt it repetitive there. Time signature is 3/4 Standard Tuning, capo 2nd fret Key of C relative to capo (Key of D on 2nd fret) chords C x32010 G 320033 F 133211 Am x03320 progression 1st half of verse C C G Am C Am F F C C G Am C G C C 2nd half of verse and chorus are same progression C G Am Am C G Am Am C G Am F C G C C VERSE 1 C C G Am C Am F F When you honour in song and in sto-ry the memory of Pearse and Mc-Bride, C C G Am C G C C And all those brave heroes of Ire-land whose names have been crushed and de-cried C G Am Am C G Am Am So For-get not the boys of Kil-mi-chael those true hearted brave vol-un-teers C G Am F C G C C Who fought for the glory of Ire-land, for the orange the white and the green VERSE 2 C C G Am C Am F F On the twentieth day of No-vem- ber, the day that the tans left Mac-room. C C G Am C G C C they were loaded in two crossley ten-ders not knowing that they'd meet their doom C G Am Am C G Am Am But on the high road to Kil-mi-chael they suddnely came to a stop C G Am F C G C C For they met with the boys of the col-umn Who made a clean sweep of the lot. CHORUS C G Am Am C G Am Am So For-get not the boys of Kil-mi-chael those brave lads so gallant and true C G Am F C G C C Who fought 'neath the green flag of E-rin and conquered the red, white and blue. VERSE 3 C C G Am C Am F F O the sun in the West it was sink-ing for the eve of a cold winters day, C C G Am C G C C When the Tans who were eagerly (sic: ap)'proch-ing sailed into the spot where we lay C G Am Am C G Am Am Then over the hills went the e-cho the peal of the rifle and gun C G Am F C G C C And the flames from the lorries gave ti-dings that the boys from Kil-michael had won. CHORUS C G Am Am C G Am Am So For-get not the boys of Kil-mi-chael those brave lads so gallant and true C G Am F C G C C Who fought 'neath the green flag of E-rin and conquered the red, white and blue. VERSE 4 C C G Am C Am F F The lorries were out be-fore twi-light and high over Dunmaway Town C C G Am C G C C Our banners in triumph they were wav-ing just to show that the Tans had gone down C G Am Am C G Am Am So we gathered our rifles and bay-onets and soon left to the hills so ob-scure, C G Am F C G C C And we never did drink till we hal-ted at the far a-way camp of Dun-ure. CHORUS C G Am Am C G Am Am So For-get not the boys of Kil-mi-chael those brave lads so gallant and true C G Am F C G C C Who fought 'neath the green flag of E-rin and conquered the red, white and blue. VERSE 5 C C G Am C Am F F There's some who will blush at the men-tion Of Connolly, Pearse and Mc-Bride C C G Am C G C C And hist'ry's new scribes in de-ri-sion; Their pages of valour de-ny C G Am Am C G Am Am But shur here's to the boys who cried, Free-dom! When Ireland was nailed to the mast C G Am F C G C C And they fought with Tom Barry's bold col-umn To give us our freedom at last Chorus C G Am Am C G Am Am So here's to the boys of Kil-mi-chael those brave lads so gallant and true C G Am F C G C C Who fought for Tom Barry's bold Col-umn and conquered the red, white and blue.