This is only for my personal use, for my own favorites list If there are big prolbems, I will delete it again To be sure, I put the rights below: CCLI Number: 6441139 © 2012 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire) www vineyardrecords co uk International Copyright secured All rights reserved Used by permission To reproduce this music setting for church usage, both a Church Copyright License and a Music Reproduction License are required To obtain a license or for further information visit www ccli com CAPO 3 G D/F# Lord, I look to Your cross C And the life You laid down G You are my God D/F# Lord, You had mercy on me C Drew the line in the sand G You are my God D C G I will worship You, I will worship You D C G My redeemer lives, Jesus I worship You G D/F# Lord, How You love each one of us C Risen one so glorious G You are our God D/F# Lord, How You saved us all C Let our joy be restored G You are our God D C G We will worship You, we will worship You D C G Our redeemer lives, Jesus we worship You C G Oh my soul, praise (x3) D Praise Him