歌手头像-Father John Misty

Fear Fun album

音乐人: Father John Misty

   /                        /
  /   Father John Misty    /
 /       Fear Fun         /

Since I now happen to have transcribed most of the songs separately, and have just done
the 'I Love You, Honeybear' album tab, I might as well complete this album tab too...

                                           Jon Sebastian Frederiksen - 19th /February /15
             Just mail me at [email protected] with questions, comments and corrections!


If you wish to print all this, it is designed to be copy-pasted into Microsoft Word,
font Courier New, size 9.

And, for your own sake, please turn off that ridiculous "highlight chords" function.

Be default, Josh has his acoustic guitar tuned down one whole step or 2 semi-tones,
that is, from standard tuning (E A D G B e), down to (D G C F A d).

To get a richer sound in this low tuning, you can put thicker strings on your guitar.
Thicker strings simply voice the lower register clearer.

Josh sticks to the repertoire of basic guitar chords. So anything more complicated
than that occurs when he uses capo or alternative tunings. As always, this creates
the problem of translation between the key relative to the capo and the absolute key.
In other words, if the tuned-down guitar plays an Em chord-shape (its relative key),
the actual key is effectively D minor (the absolute key). For this tab, I could
notate things either way. The relative way would satisfy the guitarist; the absolute
way would satisfy everyone else.
I have chosen to notate things mainly in absolute key, since I believe it is the
player of any instrument's responsibility to know his actual chord names regardless
of capo or alternative tunings; hence it is the guitarist's responsibility to call
his Em chord-shape a 'Dm' when he has tuned his guitar a whole step down.

Another thing worth a notice is Josh's chord voicings, which are not always chosen
by the book. I dare say that some of them are even chosen ill-advised, for example
his Bb (332010) where the lowest note, being the fifth, disturbs the root-note
orientation of the chord. If it were up to my more schooled judgement, I would advise
you to play it as (x32010) and always trust your ears for picking a better voicing.

Josh Tillman's main musical instrument is his acoustic guitar play, strumming basic
chords, and the band arrangements are centered around this. So, to get to the bottom
of the songs, it is obvious to begin where Josh does - with bars of guitar chords.
And indeed, the music always does fit neatly into bars. I hope this notation works
pretty intuitively for you.

One "bar" is simply the time passing during every 4 beats (when the time is 4/4).
Usually every bar matches up with one chord, and that is the neat logic behind it.
I use two different notations for bars - a simple and a more detailed one:

   | E   |        E

When there are distinct and clear strumming patterns, I will include those.
Otherwise, just listen to the record and strum along, carefree as he does.

For good measure, I will include this basic information at the top of each song:
 key:   Indicates the general tonal key of the song.
 time:  Indicates the time signature of the song, always 4/4 (including half bars).
 tempo: Indicates the speed/tempo of the song.
        For example, "Q=105 bpm" means "Quarter notes equal to 105 beats per minute"

All songs composed by Josh Tillman.

    1.  Funtimes in Babylon
    2.  Nancy From Now On
    3.  Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings
    4.  I'm Writing a Novel
    5.  O I Long to Feel Your Arms around Me
    6.  Misty's Nightmares 1 & 2
    7.  Only Son of a Ladies Man
    8.  This is Sally Hatchet
    9.  Well, You Can Do It without Me
   10.  Now I'm learning to Love the War
   11.  I Went to the Store One Day
   12.  Everyman Needs a Companion


1. _______________________
  /                       /
 /  Funtimes in Babylon  /

 key:   E major
 time:  4/4, shuffled
 tempo: Q=105 bpm

There 2 acoustic guitars playing on this track:

-1st guitar is tuned in open D (D A D F# A D) + capo on 2nd fret.
 Josh also plays on this for solo shows.

     E         F#m7       B7(1)      B7(2)       Am         A         E/G#
   oooooo     __o_oo     xo__oo     xo___o     xo__oo     o_o_oo     _ooooo
   ||||||     |||●||     |||●||     ::::::     ||||||     |||●||     ||||||
   ||||||     ●●||||     ||●|||    5||●|||     ||||||     |●||||     ||||||
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-2nd guitar is tuned in standard tuning + capo on 2nd fret.
 This only seems to appear as backing on the album version.

     E         F#m7        B7                    Am         A         E/G#
   xoo___     o__o_o     xo_o_o                x_oo_x     __ooox     _oo__x
   ||||||     ||||||     ||||||                |●||||     ||||||     ||||||
   |||●|●     |●●|||     ||●|●|                ||||||     |●||||     ●||●||
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   ||||||     ||||||     ||||||                ||||||     ||||||     ||||||

                                           ('%' = same chord as the last one)


 E                %                %                %

 F#m7             %                %                %
1. Fun                                              times       in
2. Fun                                              times       in

 B7(1)            %                %                %
 Babylon                                                That's what I'm
 Babylon                                                    Momma, they've

 F#m7             %                %                %
 counting on
 just begun

  E                %        F#m7             %               3x
1. Before the dam goes up at the foot of the sea
   Before the new wing of the prison ribbon ceremony
   Before the star of the morning comes looking for me

2. Before they put me to work in a government camp
   Before they do my face up like a corpse and say "Get up and dance!"
   Before the beast comes looking for last year's rent

  Am               B7(2)            E                F#m7             %               3x
  I would like to abuse my lungs
  Smoke everything in sight with every girl I've ever loved
  Ride around my wreckage on a horse knee-deep in mud

  A       E/G#     B7(1)   E        E                %
  Look out, Hollywood, here I come

(similar to the previous one)

(similar to previous one, except the last line is replaced with the following)

  A       E/G#     B7(1)   E        E               2x
  Look out, Hollywood, here I come
  Look out, Hollywood, here I come

  A       E/G#     B7(1)   E
  Look out, Hollywood, here I come


2. _____________________
  /                     /
 /  Nancy from Now On  /

 key:   F major
 time:  4/4
 tempo: Q=108 bpm

The acoustic guitar is tuned one full step down (D G C F A D).

     F          G7         C7         Dm        F(#5)       A7        Gm7
   _xooo_     xo_o_o     xoo___     o__ooo     _x_oo_     x_____     xo_o_o
   ||||||     ||||||     ||||●|     ||||||     ||●|||     ||||||     ||||●|
   ||||||     ||●|●|     |||●|●     |●●|||     ||||||     |●╪●╪●     ||●|||
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   ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||●|●|     ||||||

Alternatively, he tunes the guitar in the open C6-tuning (C G C E A C).
This tuning does indeed add some folk-ish flavors of notes to the chords.

     F          G7         C7         Dm        F(#5)       A7        Gm7
   _xooo_     xo___o     oooo_o     ____ox     ______     x__oox     xo___o
   ::::::     |||●||     ||||●|     |||●||     ::::::     ||●|||     |||●●|
  5●●●●●●     ||●|●|     ||||||     ●●●|||    5●╪●●●●     |●||||     ||●|||
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The general strumming pattern:
    +   +   +   +
                                                          - = same chord again


Intro:            | F      | F      | F      | F      |

Verse:            | F      | -      | -      | -      |

                  | G7     | -      | C7     | -      |

                  | Dm     | -      | G7     | -      |

                  | C7     | -      | -      | -      |

                  | F      | -      |

                 " oh, pour me another drink
                   And punch me in the face
                   You can call me Nancy
                   Every man wears a symbol
                   And I know I have mine
                   I've got my right hand stamped
                   in the concentration camp
                   where my organs scream "Slow down, man!"

Chorus 1:         | F      | -      | F(#5)  | -      |

                  | A7     | -      | G7     | G7  C7 |

                  | F      | -      |

                 " ooh, how was I to know
                   that milk and honey flow
                   just a couple states below

                  | F      | -      | F(#5)  | -      |

                  | A7     | -      | Gm7    | A7     |

                  | Gm7    | Gm7 C7 | F      | -      |
                 " ooh...

Verse:             (similar to the previous one)

                 " oh, hook me up to the tank
                   and roll me to the door
                   I'm going where my body leads me
                   I can fend for myself
                   with what looks I have left
                   I'll put away a few
                   And pretty soon
                   I'll be breaking things like Howard Hughes

Chorus 2:         | F      | -      | F(#5)  | -      |

                  | A7     | -      | G7     | G7  C7 |

                  | F      | -      |

                 " ooh, how was I to know
                   milk and honey flow
                   just a couple states below

                  | F      | -      | F(#5)  | -      |

                  | A7     | -      | Gm7    | -      |

                  | C7     | -      | C7     | -      |

                  | F      | -      |

                " ooh, give me how it was
                  a place under the sun
                  before the Devil made me run
                  Run boy
                  Run boy

                  | F      | -      | F(#5)  | -      |

                  | A7     | -      | Gm7    | A7     |

                  | Gm7    | Gm7 C7 | F      | -      |, end on F ...

                 " ooh...


3. ____________________________________
  /                                    /
 /  Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings  /

 key:   F# minor
 time:  4/4
 tempo: Q=94 bpm

 Standard tuning
 Capo on 2nd fret


 B                D        F#m              E       A


  (The notation at the end of the bars (6x "o") notates that noisy upstroke,
   on all the open strings, in the switching from one chord to the next, which
   is used deliberately here for that lovely noisy sound.)

 B                D        F#m              E       A        D
1. Jesus Christ, girl                       What are people gonna think
2. Jesus Christ, girl                       It hasn't been long so it seems
3. Jesus Christ, girl                       I laid up for hours in a daze

 B                D        F#m              E       A
 When I show up to one of several funerals, I've attended for grandpa this week
 Since I was picking out an island and a tomb for you, At the Hollywood Cemetery
 Retracing the expanse of your American back, With Adderall and weed in my veins

             With you         With me
             You kiss         On me
             You came         I think

 C#7              D     A
1. Someone's gotta help me dig
2. We should let this dead guy sleep
3. 'Cause the marble made my cheeks look pink

 C#7              D     A
 Someone's gotta help me dig
 We should let this dead guy sleep
 But I'm unsure of so many things



 Bm               D        F#m              E       A

 The drums play 3 + 4 + 4 bars. The noise builds up during the last 4 bars.


 C#7              D     A
|2---2---2---2-o-|0---0-0-|----0-------0-o-|  repeat
|1---1---1---1-o-|2---2-0-|----0-------0-o-|  this line
 Someone's got to help me dig

 C#7              D     A
|2---2---2---2-o-|0---0-0-|----:  end here
|1---1---1---1-o-|2---2-0-|----:  abruptly
 Someone's got to help me dig


4. _______________________
  /                       /
 /  I'm Writing a Novel  /

 key:   F major
 time:  4/4
 tempo: Q=165 bpm

The acoustic guitar is tuned down one full step (D G C F A D).

             F           F7          Bb          C7          Dm
           _xooo_      _x_oo_      ___o_o      xoo___      o__ooo
           ||||||      ||||||      ||||●|      ||||●|      ||||||
           ||||||      ||||||      ||●|||      |||●|●      |●●|||
           ●||||●      ●|●||●      ●●||||      ||||||      ||||||
           ||||||      ||||||      ||||||      ||||||      ||||||


 This song is basically the 7 verses based on this simple 16 bars-structure:

    | F  | -  | F  | -  |

    | F7 | -  | F7 | -  |

    | Bb | -  | Bb | -  |

    | F  | -  | F  | -  |

 At the end of verses 3, 6, 7, this 8 bars-tail is added:

    | C7 | -  | Dm | -  |

    | F  | -  | F  | -  |


 Throughout the song, the electric guitar panned left plays these typical
 blues rhythm figures. This can be heard clearly on this performance:

  standard tuning
  capo 3rd fret

  F / F7           -                    Bb
 |----------------|----------------|   |----------------|----------------|
 |--------------1-|--1-------------|   |0---0---0---0-0-|--0-0---0---0---|
 |2---4---2---4-2-|--2-4---2---4---|   |0---0---0---0-0-|--0-0---0---0---|
 |0---0---0---0-0-|--0-0---0---0---|   |0---2---0---2-3-|--3-2---0---2---|
 |----------------|----------------|   |x---------------|----------------|
 |----------------|----------------|   |3---------------|----------------|

     C7       Dm
 :---2----:---3----:  Just strum these
 :---0----:---4----:  chords regularly.


F  F                    F
   I ran down the road, pants down to my knees
             F7                                             F7
Screaming "please come help me, that Canadian shaman gave a little too much to me!"
                  Bb     Bb 
And I'm writing a novel
                                F    F
Because it's never been done before

F                              F
First house that I saw I wrote house up on the door
             F7                                                     F7
And told the people who lived there they had to get out "Cause my reality is realer than yours"
                           Bb       Bb
And there's no time in the present
                                F   F
And there's a black dog on the bed

  F                       F
I went to the backyard to burn my only clothes
         F7                                               F7
And the dog ran out and said "You can't turn nothing into nothingness with me no more"
            Bb      Bb
Well I'm no doctor
                          F     F
but that monkey might be right
          C7  Dm 
And if he is 
                              F    F  F
I'll be walking him my whole life

  F                   F
I rode to Malibu on a dune buggy with Neil
                F7                                              F7
He said "You're gonna have to drown me down on the beach if you ever want to write the real"
                Bb     Bb
And I said "I'm sorry,
young man, what is your name again?"

    F               F
Now everywhere I go in West Hollywood
                 F7                                                    F7
It's filled with people pretending they don't see the actress, and the actress wishing that they could
                 Bb    Bb
We could do Ayahuasca
                                   F       F
Baby if I wasn't holding all these drinks

F                       F
Something 'bout the way Violet whips her hair
              F7                                                   F7
That makes me empty my pockets holding court on the corner burning twenties as if I was the mayor
                 Bb                  Bb
I don't need any new friends, Momma
                                     F  F
But I could really use something to do
                       C7        Dm
So if you're up for it sometimes
                                    F    F  F  F
I swear you wouldn't have to be my muse

F                     F
Heidegger and Sartre, drinking poppy tea
           F7                                                    F7
I could've sworn last night I passed out in my van and now these guys are pouring one for me
                     Bb      Bb 
I'll never leave the canyon,
                              F     F
'cause I'm surrounded on all sides        
                  C7      Dm
By people writing novels
                         F     F7
and living on amusement rides


5. ________________________________________
  /                                        /
 /  O I Long to Feel Your Arms around Me  /

 key:   D major
 time:  4/4
 tempo: Q=88 bpm

Josh tunes his acoustic guitar in an open D6-tuning (D A D F# B D).

         G6        F#m        Em7         D        A7sus4       G
       ______     ____oo     ____oo     oooo_o     xo___o     x_o__o
       ::::::     ||||||     |||●||     ||||||     |||●||     |||●||
      5●●●●●●     ||||||     ●●●|||     ||||||     ||●|||     |●||||
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       ||||||     ●●●|||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||

                                                          % = same chord again


  4/4             (2/4)
  G6               F#m      Em7              %               2x

  G6               F#m      Em7              %               2x
" Everyone's riding on the rolling tide
  Their hearts are heavy and the sea is wide

  G6               F#m      Em7     F#m      Em7     D
  I'll never make it to the other side, friends of mine

  G6               %

  A7sus4           %                G        D                %
  Oh, I long to feel your arms around me

  A7sus4           %                G        D                %       F#m
  Oh, I long to feel your arms around me                             Oh, my love

  Em7     F#m      Em7     D        G6               %
          Oh, my love

  A7sus4           %                G        D                %               2x

  G6               F#m     Em7      D


6. ____________________________
  /                            /
 /  Misty's Nightmares 1 & 2  /

 key:   A minor
 time:  4/4, shuffled
 tempo: Q=94 bpm

Josh tunes his acoustic guitar down one full step (D G C F A D)
and puts capo on the 2nd fret.
You might as well then just stay in standard tuning without capo.

     C          Am        C/G       Fmaj7        G7         Em         D7
   x__o_o     xo___o     _x_o_o     x____o     _xooo_     o__ooo     xoo___
   ||||●|     ||||●|     ||||●|     ||||●|     ||||||     ||||||     ||||●|
   ||●|||     ||●●||     ||●|||     |||●||     ||||||     |●●|||     |||●|●
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   ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||

                                                          – = same chord again


A:         | C     | -     | -     | -     |

   These are the guitar lines in this part A, played by two separate guitars:
   (This is notated for standard tuning.)
    C                  C                  C                  C

B:         | Am    | C/G   | Fmaj7 | -     |

           | Am    | C/G   | Fmaj7 | -     |

          " No crickets, no creatures are a stirring
            On the last night of the Chinese year

C:         | C     | -     | G7    | -     |

           | C     | -     | G7    | -     |

          " I need a warm hand
            over the water
            Ever since I lost mine
            Fireworks disaster

D:         | Am    | Em    | D7    | -     |

           | Am    | Em    | D7    | -     |

           | D7    | -     |

          " ooh
            I laid up wide awake
            Gonna take my life
            Gonna take my life back one day


          " Now I'm watching you changing in the mirror
            And I'm unable to move

          " When all my girlfriends
            appear in the doorway
            I don't know how they got here
            I don't know what to say about this

          " ooh
            And they all go that way
            Gonna take my life
            Gonna take my life back one day

Ending:    | C     | -     | -     |

         ||: Am    | Em    | D7    | -     :|| repeat through fade out

   The guitar parts in the Ending end a bit differently:
    C                  C                  C                  Am


7. __________________________
  /                          /
 /  Only Son of Ladies Man  /

 key:   F major
 time:  4/4
 tempo: Q=79 bpm

Josh tunes his acoustic guitar one full step down (D G C F A D).

       F         Bb/F        Bb         Dm
     _xooo_     _x_o_o     ___o_o     o__ooo
     ||||||     ||||●|     ||||●|     ||||||
     ||||||     ||●|||     ||●|||     |●●|||
     ●||||●     ●|||||     ●●||||     ||||||
     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||

Despite having only three and a half chords in it, this song has a fairly
tricky strumming pattern and overall rhythmic structure, because of all its
half bars (2/4) and extra bars of F, which are quite hard to memorize.

This is the strumming pattern for all the full bars of 4/4:

    1   +   2   +   3   +   4   +
   |3-----3-3---3-----3-3---3---3-3-|                     v = down-stroke
    v     ^ v   v     ^ v   v   v ^                       ^ = up-stroke

Whenever there is a half bar (2/4), play sort of the first half of the pattern:

    1   +   2   +
    v     ^ v   v ^


  F                F

  F                Bb/F     F               4x  F
+:=---=---=---=---+=---=---+=---=---=---=---:+ +=---=---=---=---+

 When I heard the ladies' man was dead
 I saw the rolling stone stopped moving
 Saw my ancient hero on the Sunset Strip
 He left behind a legacy of ruin

  F                Bb/F     F               4x

 Now painted ladies want to hold my gun
 Wonder if the whole time if I'd been acting
 When I sang "Moon River" in that silent film
 Had I really made a sound when they called action

  Bb               Dm               F        Dm              2x

  Bb               Dm               Bb               Dm

  Bb               Bb               F

 I swear that man was womankind's first husband
 They all died in a line to save him
 I'm a steady hand, I'm a Dodger's fan
 I'm a leading brand of a one night stand
 I'm a ladies' man

  Dm               Bb       F               2x  F
+:=---=---=---=---+=---=---+=---=---=---=---:+ +=---=---=---=---+

 ooh / Only son of the ladies' man
 ooh / Only son of the ladies' man

  F                Bb/F     F               4x  F
+:=---=---=---=---+=---=---+=---=---=---=---:+ +=---=---=---=---+

 Couldn't see his used up body at the funeral
 By virtue of the flailing of his conquests
 They tied down his casket with the garter belt
 Each troubled heart was beating in a sequin dress

  F                Bb/F     F               5x

 Someone must console these lonesome daughters
 No written word or ballad will appease them
 The cowboy and the cop shot down the ladies' man
 The humid nights in L.A. are now silence
(These nights I hear a whole lot less moaning
 These nights I hear a whole lot less groaning)
 I swear that man was womankind's first husband

  Dm               Bb       F               4x  F
+:=---=---=---=---+=---=---+=---=---=---=---:+ +=---=---=...

 ooh / Only son of the ladies' man
 ooh / Only son of the ladies' man
 ooh / Only son of the ladies' man


8. _________________________
  /                         /
 /  This Is Sally Hatchet  /

 key:   Ab major
 time:  4/4, shuffled
 tempo: Q=144 bpm

As always, Josh tunes his acoustic guitar one full step down (D G C F A D).
He then puts capo on the 3rd fret.

You could also just remain in standard tuning and put capo on the 1st fret.

    C7        Db        Ab        G7        Cm        F        Eb7        Fm
  x___ox    ___o_o    _xooo_    ______    x_____    o___oo    xxo___    o__ooo
  ||●|||    ||||●|    ||||||    ||||||    ||||||    |||●||    ||||●|    ||||||
  |●|●||    ||●|||    ||||||    ●╪●╪●●    |●╪╪╪●    |●●|||    |||●|●    |●●|||
  ||||||    ●●||||    ●||||●    |||●||    ||||●|    ||||||    ||||||    ||||||
  ||||||    ||||||    ||||||    |●||||    ||●●||    ||||||    ||||||    ||||||


REFRAIN:     | C7  | Db  | Ab  | Ab  |
             | C7  | Db  | Ab  | Ab  |

             | G7  | G7  | G7  | G7  |

            The electric guitar plays this Beatles-esque
            riff every time those 4 bars of G7 appear:
              G7       G7       G7       G7

                                                          Notice that screaming
                                                          electric guitar strum:
VERSE-1:     | Cm  | F   | Db  | G7  | G7* |                 G7*
             | Db  | Db  | Db  | G7  | C7  |                |----6---|
             | F   | Db  | Db  |                            |----3---|
             | G7  | G7  | G7  | G7  |                      |--------|
            " Born the daughter of a comedian               |--------|
              Middle of the eighties
              Someone turn that awful mouth-breathing down
              Or else "

            " Sally Hatchet lives in a hole in the ground
              The longer it keeps raining
              The more she has to struggle to maintain a wonderful time
              Oh yeah "

BRIDGE:      | Eb7 | Eb7 | Fm  | Db  | Db  |
             | Eb7 | Fm  | Db  | Db  |
             | Eb7 | Fm  | Db  | Db  |

             | G7  | G7  | G7  | G7  |

            " Go on and laugh it up without me
              I've got smoke in my lungs
              And a past life in the trunk
              Oh "


            " Could he rattle by the way that she empties a few clips out
              Do I have a choice now?
              Point that thing away from me
              Oh! "

OUTRO:     ||: C7  | Db  | Ab  | Ab  :||

Here two electric guitar appear to play this insane climax with tons of vibrato.
This is noted in standard tuning, without capo.
One plays the upper note; one plays the lower note. You could play both at once.

      C7               Db               Ab               Ab

After 4 rounds, both guitars whammy one octave up and continue the part.
You could emulate this by playing the same thing up at the 20th/18th fret.

They guitars whammy back down and back up again, break away and return to this
loony part. These varations are always improvised, so you ought to do the same.

The whole climax lasts for 12 rounds and ends by resting on the Ab chords.


9. __________________________________
  /                                  /
 /  Well, You Can Do It Without Me  /

 key:   F major
 time:  4/4
 tempo: Q=105 bpm

This song has all the elements of a typical blues: A simple chord structure,
laidback 4/4, the playing around with dominant 7th chords, the blues scale, etc.
Thus, whenever there is an F chord, feel free to play F7 as the band does.

As always, Josh tunes his acoustic guitar one full step down (D G C F A D).

       C7        Bb7         F          Bb
     xxo___     x____o     _xooo_     xo___o
     ||||●|     ||||●|     ||||||     ||||||
     |||●|●     ||●|||     ||||||     ||●●●|
     ||||||     |●|●||     ●||||●     ||||||
     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||


Intro:    ||: C7   | Bb7  | F    | F    :||

A:          | F    | F    | Bb7  | Bb7  |
            | F    | C7   | F    | F    |


B:          | Bb7  | Bb7  | Bb7  | Bb7  |
            | C7   | C7   | C7   | C7   |




A           (whistling)

Ending:     | F    | C7   | F Bb | F ...


 If you see a flaming sword in your dreams at night
 And feel inspired to assign me up to the front line
 Well, give the order, you'll storm the border without me

 If they tell you you're a genius but you need some proof
 Ask anybody on the payroll to go out with you
 If they avoid you, then they'll award you definitely

     Nobody that's around just seems to get it right
     How hard is it to follow just a few guidelines
     And smile while you do it

 If you want a page written 'bout you in the book
 But you need a food tester 'cause you cursed the cook
 I'll take some wine but you can dine without me

     Without me
     Who would let you play God and make-believe that all the blasphemy 
     is coming only from me?

 If you're bound for the throne but the king won't die
 I can occupy the queen but that's for her and I
 I can do her and you'll be ruler without me 


 Yeah you can do it
 But you can do it without me


  /                                    /
 /  Now I'm Learning to Love the War  /

 key:   G minor
 time:  4/4, shuffled
 tempo: Q=94 bpm

Josh tunes his acoustic guitar down one full step (D G C F A D).

     Bb         F          F7         Gm         C7         D7        Gm/F
   ___o_o     _xooo_     _x_oo_     xo___o     _xo__o     o_o_oo     _x___o
   ||||●|     ||||||     ||||||     ||||●|     ||||●|     |||●||     ||||●|
   ||●|||     ||||||     ||||||     ||●●||     ●||●||     |●||||     ||●●||
   ●●||||     ●||||●     ●|●||●     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ●|||||
   ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||     ||||||

                                                          – = same chord again


Intro:             ... Gm    | F     | F7    |

             | Bb    | Gm    | F     | F7    |

             | Bb    | -     |

(The Intro is only an album-thing; it is never played live, where they simply 
 begin right on the Verse.)

Verse 1:     | Bb    | -     | -     | -     |

             | F     | -     | F7    | -     |

             | Gm    | -     | C7    | -     |

             | F     | -     | F7    | -     |

            " Try not to think so much about
              the truly staggering amount
              of oil that it takes to make a record
              All the shipping, the vinyl, the cellophane lining, the high gloss
              The tape and the gear

Verse 2
            " Try not to become too consumed
              with what's a criminal volume
              of oil that it takes to paint a portrait
              The acrylic, the varnish, aluminum tubes filled with latex
              The solvents and dye

Chorus 1:    | Gm    | -  C7 | F     | F7    |

             | Bb    | D7    | Gm    | Gm/F  |

             | C7    | -     | F     | F7    |

             | Bb    | -     |

            " Oh, let's just call this what it is
              The gentler side of mankind's death wish
              When it's my time to go
              Gonna leave behind things that won't decompose

Verse 3
            " Try not to dwell so much upon
              how it won't be so very long
              from now that they laugh at us for selling
              a bunch of 15 year-olds made from dinosaur bones singing 'oh yeah'
              Again and again
              Right up to the end

Chorus 2
            " Let's just call this what it is
              The gentler side of mankind's death wish
              When it's my time to go
              Gonna leave behind things that won't decompose

Chorus 3      (End on Bb after the last F7.)

            " Oh, I'll just call this what it is
              My vanity gone wild with my crisis
              One day this all will repeat
              I sure hope they make something useful out of me


  /                 /
 /  Tee Pees 1-12  /

 key:   A major
 time:  4/4
 tempo: Q=166 bpm

Josh tunes his acoustic guitar down one full step (D G C F A D)
and puts capo on the 2nd fret.
You might as well then just stay in standard tuning without capo.

                  A           E           D7          E7
                xo___o      o___oo      xxo___      o_o_oo
                ||||||      |||●||      ||||●|      |||●||
                ||●●●|      |●●|||      |||●|●      |●||||
                ||||||      ||||||      ||||||      ||||||
                ||||||      ||||||      ||||||      ||||||


 The song is based around this simple 13-bars blues round.
 This is one VERSE.

     | A  | A  | E  | E  |

     | E  | E  | D7 | A  |

     | E  | E  | D7 | A  | A  |

 The other part is this little tail of 4 bars.
 This is one INTERLUDE.

     | E  | E  | E7 | E7 |



VERSE 1              " Well, you took me to the movies
                       You took me to the dance
                       You took me to your warehouse
                       Tied up in the back of your van
                       You said whip it out
                       And I started to shout
                       I'm in love with the woman again

VERSE 2              " Well, you took me to your office
                       We went to meet your folks
                       We went out to the garden shed
                       Where I took off all my clothes
                       And I was terrified by the look in your eyes
                       But there's a lot to loving I don't know

VERSE 3              " Well, you took me to the ceremony 
                       to sweat out all my fear
                       You came across the cosmic serpent
                       With pants rolling into his hair
                       If he's my spirit guide
                       I'm gonna stay inside
                       I'm never sleeping in a teepee again

INTERLUDE 2          " No no, no-no-no-no no

VERSE 4                (instrumental)

VERSE 5              " Well, you asked me where I came from
                       in the middle of round ten
                       I thanked you for the compliment
                       before you clarified what you meant
                       You said: "What the hell are you doing here?
                       There's a crawler in my apartment!"

VERSE 6              " Trout fishing in America
                       Made me go and buy a pole
                       But by the time I got around to reading the book
                       I was a celebrated deep sea pro
                       Was drinking Greyhounds
                       Way below the ground
                       On my very own TV show

VERSE 7                (play twice the second line of | E  | E  | D7 | A  |)

                     " Well, we went to get some work done
                       So our faces finally matched
                       The doctor took one look at me
                       And took a skin graft out of my ass
                       If this is what it takes
                       It takes you one date
                       I'm gonna put my member behind glass
                       If I make it out alive
                       From Hollywood and Vine
                       I'll build a cabin up in the Northwest

INTERLUDE 3          " No no, no-no-no-no no

VERSE 8                (instrumental, extended like VERSE 7)

OUTRO                  | E  | E  | D7 | A  ...


  /                              /
 /  Everyman Needs a Companion  /

 key:   Ab major
 time:  4/4, shuffled
 tempo: Q=85 bpm

Josh tunes his acoustic guitar down one full step (D G C F A D)
and puts capo on the 3rd fret.
You might as well just stay in standard tuning and put capo on the 1st fret.

 4/4             (2/4)
 Bbm              Bbm/Ab   Eb7              Eb7
 x02210           3x2210   xx0212

 Bbm              Bbm/Ab   Eb7              Eb7sus4

  In the Intro two guitars play this melody. They play their octave each.
  This is both melodies, notated for standard tuning without any capo:

    Bbm              Bbm/Ab   Eb7

 Ab               Ab               Db/Ab
 3x0003                            3x2013
"1.Everyman           needs a com- panion
 2.Everyman           needs a com- panion

 Ab               Ab               Db/Ab
                          Someone to turn his thoughts to
                          Someone to console him

 Ab               Ab               C7               C7
                      I know I do
                      Like I need you


 Fm      C7#5/G   Ab7     Db       C7               Eb7
 022000  22100x   3x300x  332010

 Db               Db               Ab      Db/Ab    Ab
1.John the Baptist took Jesus Christ
2.Joseph Campbell and The Rolling Stones

 Bbm              Bbm/Ab           Eb7              Eb7
 Down to the river on a Friday night
 Couldn't give me a myth, so I had to write my own

 Fm               Fm               Ab (Db Ab    Db Ab)
 They talked about Mary like a couple of boys
 Like I'm hung up on religion though I know it's a waste

 Bbm              Bbm/Ab           Eb7              Eb7sus4
 With nothing to lose; too scared to try
 I never liked the name Joshua; I got tired of "J"         (Everyman man...)

 Eb7              Eb7
                 (Everyman man...)




BRIDGE 2 (Skip the last 1½ bars of Eb7.)


  Fm      C7#5/G   Ab7     Db      3x  C7               Eb7
+:=---=---=---=---+=---=---=---=---:+ +=---=---=---=---+=---=---=---=---+

  Ab               Ab               Db/Ab
+:=---=---=---=---+=---=---=---=---+=---=---:+   Repeat this line fading out.

 This is the slide guitar lick for standard tuning:

                 Ab                Ab

 Jon Sebastian Frederiksen – 26th /April /15
 Just mail me at [email protected] with questions, comments and corrections!

 " Maitinin writing here - the author of this tab.

   The past 11 years, I have generated 10,318,000 views and 815 top-rated tabs for this site.
   If you want to support an eager contributor like me, check out my own site:

   _____  www.playlikerheGreats.com/father-john-misty  _____

   Here I will continue to upload and improve my transcriptions.

   Best regards,
   Maitinin "


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