歌手头像-Little Birdy

Into My Arms

音乐人: Little Birdy

This is an open chord version of one of my favourite songs. This is my first 
attempt at putting chords to something. Listen to the song for the structure etc. 

A       D      E                A
You are having the time of your life.
A       D      E                A
You are having the time of your life.
    F#m      C#m            D       E
You miss me. I miss you the same as before.
            F#m               C#m          D       E
But I don't love you. I don't need you the same as before.

A                   Bm           C#m     D
Cause I don't wanna love you the same as before
      A           Bm           C#m     D
And i don't wanna hurt you the same as before.
C#m Bm    A      C#m   Bm     A
Into my arms. You fall into my arms.

A       D             E            A
You are breaking this heart oh you know.
A       D             E            A 
You are breaking this heart oh you know.
     F#m       C#m            D       E
You miss me. I miss you the same as before.
    F#m                       C#m          D       E
But I don't love you. I don't need you the same as before.

      A             Bm           C#m     D
Cause I don't wanna love you the same as before
    A             Bm           C#M     D
And i don't wanna hurt you the same as before.
C#m Bm    A      C#m  Bm       A
Into my arms. You fall into my arms

You're in my mind. 
E        A       F#m
My mind. My mind. 
You're in my mind. 
E        A       F#m 
My mind. My mind.

C#m, Bm, A
       C#m Bm    A            C#m Bm    A             C#m F#m  A
You fall into my arms. You fall into my arms. You fall into my arms


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