F#m God, I've been sent here blind to learn to see, F#m E Remembering you were always there with me. E But do you know just how hard that's been? E F#m Could all of this have really been foreseen? F#m I'd like to say a prayer, how does it go? F#m E I'm tired. Tell me, God, does it show? E What could have called for such a handicap? E F#m I was sent out here without a map. F#m All this time I've had to guess the way, F#m E To keep moving when I wished to stay. E I've been wrong as much as I've been right. E F#m You tell me: 'Walk by faith and not by sight, and F#m Keep your heavy heart afloat. E You are a timber carved by knife, but E F#m Someday you may serve as a boat.' F#m E E C#m What I lose here on earth… C#m …Is lost in heaven. A If I ask you for help… A …it will be given. E But you've waited this long… E …you weren't ready. B My devotion was strong… B …it wasn't steady. C#m I have one more question… C#m …you have the answer too. A But what does that mean? A You're I, and I am you. E Why speak in riddles? E Then let me show the way. B That's all I've wanted. B That's all you've had to say. F#m Well come on then, God, show me, D Which way you would like me to go, and A I won't resume to question, E How I was ever supposed to know. F#m There have been signs along the way, but D They've been so very obscure. A At times I thought I knew their meaning, but E E How could I've ever been sure? F#m God, I was sent here deaf to learn to hear, F#m E To have faith in you and never fear. E Life is an ocean, you its every wave, E F#m Your arms would cradle me, and keep me safe. F#m You're right, all this, and more I need to learn, F#m E All this unease just makes my stomach churn. E It was I not you who set this trap, but E F#m You did leave me here without a map. F#m All this time I've had to guess the way, F#m E To keep moving when I wished to stay. E I've been right as much as I've been wrong, so E F#m All I hear from you is: 'You are strong enough, F#m For all you'll ever have to face, E The only map you need is Love, E F#m To guide you through this illusion of a maze.' F#m Our Father, who art in heaven, F#m Hallowed be thy name. E E Thy kingdom come, E Thy will be done, E C#m On earth, as it is in heaven, C#m A Give us today our daily bread, A E Forgive us, Father, all our sins, E B As we forgive those who sin against us, and B C#m Lead us not into temptation, but C#m A A E Deliver us from evil, for thy is the kingdom, and E The power, and the glory, B Now and forever more, F#m E Amen.