------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DARLING, ARE YOU GONNA LEAVE ME - London Grammar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: SammyDodger E-mail: [email protected] Tuning: Standard Love this track from this great band, there was already a tab on here but I don't think it was quite correct so I've tabbed out the version that I play. Any corrections please email me. Thanks Intro e|------------------------------------| B|----3-----5----3------7----5----3---| G|---------------4------7----6----4---| x3 D|--5---5-4------4------7----7----5---| A|---------------------5~----7----5---| E|------------------------------------| Verse e|------------------------------------||-----| B|----3-----5----3------7----5----3---||-(5)-| G|---------------4------7----6----4---||-(6)-| (Only play this A at the end on the D|--5---5-4------4------7----7----5---||-(7)-| time round that leads into the chorus) A|---------------------5~----7----5---||-(7)-| E|------------------------------------||-----| Chorus e|-------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------| G|--7~---6--4~----4--6---7~---6--4~---4--6---| D|--9~---7--5~----5--7---9~---7--5~---5--7---| A|--9~---7--5~----5--7---9~---7--5~---5--7---| E|-------------------------------------------| That's pretty much the whole song, the guitar drops out for the first round of the 2nd verse and plays very sparse notes low in the mix within B minor Pentatonic, mainly uses an E note on the 9th fret of the G string ************************************ Any suggestions or corrections please email me at [email protected] ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************************************