------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lowlands of Holland - Levellers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: AdamRushbrooke E-mail: [email protected] Tuning: CAPO 5 Intro (Flanged / Wah violin.... possibly some delay too....) e|------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------------------| D|-000000000000000000000000000000000000000000-----| A|------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------| Main riff e|------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------| G|-----------------2-0-0-0h2-0--------------------| D|-----0-0-3p0-----------------2-0---2-0-0-----0--| A|-0-3---------3p0-----------------3-------0h3----| E|------------------------------------------------| x2 e|------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------| G|-0-2-0---0-2-0-0-0h2-0--------------------------| D|-------3---------------2-0---2-0-0-----0--------| A|---------------------------3-------0h3----------| E|------------------------------------------------| x1 e|------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------| G|-----------------2-0-0-0h2-0--------------------| D|-----0-0-3p0-----------------2-0---2-0-0-----0--| A|-0-3---------3p0-----------------3-------0h3----| E|------------------------------------------------| x 1 Chords:(Relative to Capo) e|-0------0-------------0----| B|-3------3-------------3----| G|-2------0-------------0----| D|-0------0-------------2----| A|-x------x-------------3----| E|-x------x-------------x----| Dsus2 Dsus2sus4 Cadd9 Intro / main riff Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Dsus2sus4 Dsus2 Dsus2sus4 The life that I have cho_____sen / And there will be content Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Dsus2sus4 Dsus2 Dsus2sus4 And the salt sea shall be fro______zen / Before that I repent Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Dsus2sus4 Dsus2 Dsus2sus4 Repent I shall not e_______ver / Until the day I die Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Dsus2sus4 Dsus2 Dsus2sus4 For the lowlands of Ho_______lland / Have claimed my destiny I look out onto the rolling sea But there'll be no easy ride It's enough to break your mind and will There's many times we've tried We cried together but we fought We staked all to be free For the lowlands of Holland Have claimed my destiny Main Riff So you feel the wind in your hair As we leave the old country With seven score friends here by our side To keep us company Cos there's many more we've left behind And some we'll never see Cos the lowlands of Holland Have claimed my destiny Main riff ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************************************