歌手头像-Timothy Seth Avett as Darling

The Lights Went Out

音乐人: Timothy Seth Avett as Darling

Timothy Seth Avett
The Lights Went Out

Tuning: Standard EADGBe
Capo: N/A

Verse 1

    C           Em
The lights went out
    F                        G
but I could still see by the glow
       C       Em
of her bedpost bright
        F                            G
and she smiles cause she wants me to know
          C  C/B  Am
that shes al-ways been
C  C/B  Am
my best friend
     F               G         C
in a world where the lights go out

c  - Cadd9

Verse 2

    C           Em
The lights were dim
    F                      G
but I could still see well enough
                C          Em
to make out the tear on my brim
        F                      G
and the fear than hung from my cuff
         C     C/B  Am
well the stars felt weak
         C       C/B  Am
but they laughed with me
     F               G         C
at a world where the lights go out

c  - Cadd9

Verse 3

    C        Em
The road was wide
    F                     G
but I still took both the lanes
               C        Em
and she sat so close to me
        F                G
we floated away like the planes
         C  C/B Am
cause we had to go
        C   C/B    Am
its the end of the show
     F                G         C     C/B  Am
for a world where the lights go out
        F               G         C
its the world where the lights go out

c  - Cadd9

Verse 4

    C      Em
I'm almost gone
        F                         G
but its cool cause I've been here before
         C          Em
with my wife on the phone
        F                      G
and my girlfriend knocks on my door
         C     C/B  Am
well they both love me
         C       C/B  Am
cause they both don't see
     F                  G         C
I'm the world where the lights go out
     F                  G         C
I'm the world where the lights go out

c  - Cadd9

Verse 5

    C      Em
My fear is dead
    F                      G
she died last night in her sleep
           C          Em
while my clock hummed along
        F                  G
and the morning started to weep
          C   C/B Am
cause the day be-gins
      C     C/B Am
and a young man wins
     F                 G         C     C/B  Am
In the world where the lights go out
     F                  G         C
I'm the world where the lights go out


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