xThis version is totally correct. The first version just didn't sound right to me, it contains some of the right chords, but not where they should be. I've taken the effort to write down the lyrics below the chord names, so enjoy and sing along. G, A#, F, C x2 G A# F I wish that I could fly, into the sky C G A# F C so very high, just like a dragonfly G A# I'll fly above the trees F C G over the seas, and all the greens A# F C to anywhere I please G A# F oh, I want to get away C G A# F C I wanna fly away G A# F I want to get away C G A# F C I wanna fly away G A# Let's go and see the stars F C G the milkyway, or even mars A# F C G well it could just be ours A# lets go fade into the sun F C G let your spirit fly, where we are one A# F just for a little fun C oh, oh, oh, yeah G A# F I want to get away C G A# F C I wanna fly away.....yeah G A# F I want to get away C G A# I wanna fly away F C come on Craig... fly away Solo |------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |---------3-------------------------------------------------------3-5^-5-3----- |-3/5-5-5---5p3-5-----------------------------------------3/5-5-5----------5-3- |-----------------5-3-----------------3-3/5-8----5----------------------------- |---------------------6-3--6-3-6--3-6---------8^---8-6-3----------------------- ----6----6-8^-8^-8^-8^---6-8^-6--------6^--- -/8----8---------------8--------8-8-/8----8- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- sorry, that's as far as I can get G A# F ooh, I want to get away C G A# F I wanna fly away.....yeeeeah C oh yeah G A# F I want to get away C G A# I wanna fly away F C away G A# fly away C F fly away G A# C F fly away G A# C fly away F G A# fly away, fly away C F fly, fly.... any questions? [email protected]