Atomic Man - Portugal. The Man Nobody's seemed to have tabbed out the lead guitar parts on this site so far, so I figured them out and decided to post them here. Hope it helps, I'm pretty sure this is accurate, as it sounds pretty spot on to me. The riff is pretty pentatonic, so it's rather easy. (Figured this out from this video: ,but Zach seems to be playing some notes slightly differently on the lead or just strumming chords at points) Guitar 1 (this is based off the record, not the video above. In the video, they tend to play D#m until the end, and they never end the chord progression on Bbm): Bbm | G# | D# | Bb | Until the end (Piano only, in half-time), where it changes to: Bbm | G# | D#m | Bbm | Guitar 2 (The lead bit): The intro and chorus: E|-x----------------------------------x-x----------------| B|-x----------------------------------x-x----------------| G|-x----------------------------------x-x----------------| D|-x-8-8-8-8--8--6-6--6--6------------x-x----------------| A|-x-----------------------8--6-6--6--x-x--6-6--8--------| E|-x----------------------------------x-x---------6-6----| And the verse, which kind of mirrors the bassline: E|------------------------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------------6-----------------------| D|-------------------------------------6--8---8-8-------------------| A|--------------------------------6--8------------------------------| E|-6--9-6-6--6---11/--6-6-9-6-6--------------------6--6-6-9-6-6-----| The lead parts alternate until the end, where it plays the verse part until the piano comes in. ************************************ | x Dead note | / Slide up ************************************