This is the way I play the intro to Midnight Rambler by the Rolling Stones. This version is in standard tuning. The beat is a shuffle in 4/4 and although I play the full barre chords I only hit the strings indicated below. Midnight Rambler[intro] - Rolling Stones B A E E e|----|----------------------------|------------------------| B|----|---------------14-----------|------------------------| G|----|---------------14--16-------|------------------------| D|--8/|9---9---9--9---14--14-----9-|-9--9-11--9--9--9-11--8/| repeat A|--8/|9---9--11 -9---12--12-----7-|-7--7--7--7--7--7--7--8/| E|--6/|7---7---7--7---12--12-----7-|-7--7--7--7--7--7--7--6/| & 1 2 3 4 & 1 2 3 4 & ************************************ | / Slide up ************************************