Maoz Tzur C G C Ma'oz tzur yeshuati C G C Lehca na'eh le'shabe'ach C G C Tikon beit tefilati C G C Vesham toda nezabe'ach C F C Le'et tachin matbe'ach Am Em F G Mitzar hame'na be'ach C G Az egmor beshir mizmor C Am G C Hanukat hamizbe'ach C G Az egmor beshir mizmor C F G C Hanukat hamizbe'ach English Translation (typically titled "Rock of Ages"): Rock of ages, let our song Praise thy saving power; Thou amidst the raging foes, Wast our sheltering tower. Furious they assailed us, But Thine arm availed us, And Thy word broke their sword, When our own strength failed us.