歌手头像-Lena Meyer-Landrut


音乐人: Lena Meyer-Landrut

Lena Meyer-Landrut


I hope they're right! Enjoy! :)

Am Am

Am                   G
Hello little darling could you please 
C                 F
take me back when I'm too far
Am             G
out in the sea darling
C                   F 
But do you know how far is too far?

Am          G             C     
I know that we will meet again 
'till now I don't know where
  Am         G
I don't know when, yet 
C        G              F  Am
But I am sure my pretty darling 
C     G         C
we'll meet again..

(Instrumental Chorus Chords)

Am                   G
Hello little darling could you please 
C                  F
hold me tight when i'm alone 
Am                G
when i'm with you i feel safe 
C               F
I feel safe and i feel warm 

Am          G             C
I know that we will meet again 
'till now I don't know where
  Am         G
I don't know when, yet 
C        G              F  Am
But I am sure my pretty darling 
C     G         C
we'll meet again..

(Instrumental Chorus Chords)

Am           G               D
'Cause i get Goosebumps on my heart 
Am        G              D
I get them every time you laugh 
Am       G               D
Oh i get Goosebumps on my heart 
Am           G         D
Please let us never be apart 

Am          G                 C
I know that we will meet again 
'till now I don't know where
  Am         G
I don't know when, yet 
C        G              F  Am
But I am sure my pretty darling 
C     G         C      A
we'll meet again..

Bm          A             D
I know that we will meet again 
'till now I don't know where
  Bm         A
I don't know when, yet 
D        A              G  Bm
But I am sure my pretty darling 
D     A     D
we'll meet again
D     A     D
we'll meet again..


《 Goosebumps -- Lena Meyer-Landrut 》加入
◎ 选择已有谱单 创建新的

公开 (默认不公开,欢迎创建有意思的"公开谱单")




