歌手头像-Misty Edwards

Measure Of A Man Live

音乐人: Misty Edwards


   G#m              E        B                    F#
The   measure of a man is the measure of his heart
   G#m              E        B                    F#
The   measure of a man is the measure of his love
   G#m              E        B                    F#
The   measure of a man is the measure of his heart
   G#m              E        B                    F#
The   measure of a man is the measure of his love

E                      B        G#m     E
    You don’t measure me like man may see
                        B         G#m     E
You’re looking at my heart, the core of me
       F#     G#m                  E
Your eyes of fire see differently
                 G#m    F#/A#     B
Keep me in the gaze    of     love

            G#m                   F#/A#
When it’s all been said - When it’s all been done
            B                       G#m  F# E       F#  B/D#
When the race is run - Well it all comes down to love

E                        B
     Did you learn to love? That’s what You will ask of me
E                        G#m
     Did you learn to love? Not about my ministry
E                        B/D#
     Did you learn to love? Not about my money
G#m             E           C#m   E                   F#sus
     Did you learn to love? Did you learn to love?



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