#-------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------# #This file represents the author's own work, please only use it for research# #or private study. Rights are strictly property of their respective authors,# #artists or labels. Chords and lyrics below are for non-commercial use only.# #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Capo on 3th fret --- matching the album version (depending on your vocal range, you can move the capo to 5th fret if you want to) F C When I am down and need to cry till morning G6 Asus4 I know just where I am going F C When I'm in need of sweet commiseration G To speak out loud F C Raise a glass to friendship and to knowing G Asus4 You don't have to go alone F C We'll raise our hearts to share each others burdens G On this road F Am G With every burden I have carried F Am G With every joy it's understood F Am G Life with you is half as hard Em F Am G And twice as good F C With my good news your dancing on the table G6 Asus4 Babies born to celebration F C The joy of life oh what a sweet communion G Shared with you F Am G With every burden I have carried F Am G With every joy it's understood F Am G Life with you is half as hard Em F Am G And twice as good F C I know we're growing older Em Asus4 Can you imagine what that will bring F C It's all a mystery to me now G But this one thing F G6 F G6 G Will be half as hard, and twice as good Life is twice as good with Jesus! May Jesus Bless You! Jesus is Coming! Get Ready & SEEK Him in Prayer and be obedience!