I've worked out a way to play this without sending the tuning of the guitar to pot, just drop D and away you go....I think it sounds ok, would welcome opinions [email protected] intro e--------------------------------| b--------3-3-----3-3----6-6-6-3--| g--------2-2-----2-2----5-5-5-2--| d-3po0---3-3-0-0-3-3-0--3-3-3-0--| a-3po0------------------3-3-3----| d-3po0------------------3-3-3----| "I had a dream last night" F then D I play it it like this e----------| b-6-6-6--3-| g-5-5-5--2-| d-3-3-3--0-| a-3-3-3----| d-3-3-3----| "come out on top" F palm mute (I think) "whats it all about" C "guess it just reflects my mood" G opening riff "all I hear is doom and gloom" D, C, G, F