歌手头像-Zach Robinson

The Love Inside

音乐人: Zach Robinson

CHORDS: C - Am - C - E - C - Am - F - Fm

All throughout this life we go in and out of time.
I can feel it building inside my mind.
Theres a million positive signs. The loves inside.

When thoughts are spinning and you feel so lost.
And you start to feel a bit exhausted.
Just know that you can well you can always call me.
And of course you can lean on me the loves inside.

When you feel like you've been here and you feel they care.
And life starts to feel a bit more fair.
Then you know that your getting closer to where 
you can just sing about the love inside.

Blue red green and white.
Make up all the colors in this life.
Shining back through your eyes are tears of joy
in which you've cried.
Now you've found the love inside.

C - Am - C - Am - C - Am - C - Am - F- Fm
The love the love the love the love the love the love inside.

C - Am - C - E - C - Am - F - Fm
Which way do we go from here.
It seems weird how it seems so clear.
Like your heart knows
your driver stears meliting away all of your fears
cuz you've found the love inside.

And now your in and we're in.
Everyones in so go on and climb in.
If you havent yet climbed in then climb in
and find all the love inside.

C - Am - C - Am - C - Am - F - Fm
The love the love the love the love the love inside.


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