歌手头像-Fairport Convention

Who Knows Where The Time Goes

音乐人: Fairport Convention

Song: Who knows where the time goes?
Artist: Fairport Convention
Composer: Sandy Denny
Album: Unhalfbricking

Tabbed by DJ ('DiddyD' on ultimateGuitar.com)
30th Nov 2012

The album track appears to be very slightly sharp of concert pitch,
to match use a chromatic tuner and tune all strings up approx. +10

Please IGNORE ANY POP-UP CHORD BOXES the webpage might automatically
suggest, and use the shapes suggested below. Most are relatively
simple, and moveable chords, particularly the verses, which maintain 
open ringing strings.

E       = 022100    G#m = 466444    Esus4  = 022200
F#m11/E = 044200    Am  = 577555    Badd11 = 799800
Emaj7   = 066400    A   = x02220    Aadd9  = 577600
F#m     = 244222    A4  = x02230    F#m7   = 232222

Please remember to star rate this tab, thanks


    E           F#m11/E         E           F#m11/E
||: /  /  /  / |  /  /  /  / |  /  /  /  / |  /  /  /  / :|| [x2]

[Verse 1]
      E                   F#m11/E                   Emaj7    F#m11/E
A - cross the evening sky,     ...all the birds are leaving---------,
E                         F#m11/E                   Emaj7    F#m11/E
   But how can they know       ...it's time for them to go----------?

[Verse 2]
F#m                    G#m    Am                     G#m
     Before the winter fire,      I will still be dreaming,
A     A4       A         E    E4 E    Badd11               Aadd9
   I have no thought of time,   ...for who knows where the time goes?
 E                  F#m7   A    F#m7
Who knows where the time goes--------?

[Verse 3]
    E            F#m11/E          E            F#m11/E
|  /  /  /  /  |   /  /  /  /  |  /  /  /  /  |  /  /  /  /  |

E                       F#m11/E                    Emaj7       F#m11/E
   Sad deserted shore,      ...your fickle friends are leaving--------,
E                       F#m11/E                    Emaj7       F#m11/E
   Ah, but then you know    ...it's time for them    ...to go----------!

[Verse 4]
      F#m           G#m      Am             G#m
But... I will still be here,     I have no thought of leaving,
A      A4      A         E   E4 E   Badd11               Aadd9
   I...do not count the time,     for who knows where the time goes?
E                   F#m7       A     F#m7
Who knows where the time----- goes--------?

[Verse 5]
   E            F#m11/E          E           F#m11/E
|  /  /  /  /  |  /  /  /  /  |  /  /  /  /  |  /  /  /  /  |

    E               F#m11/E               Emaj7         F#m11/E
And I am not alone,         while my love     ...is near me,
E                       F#m11/E                    Emaj7   F#m11/E
   I know it will be so,         until it's time to go-------------!

[Verse 6]
      F#m                  G#m   Am                      G#m
So ...come the storms of winter,   and then the birds of ...spring again,
A    A4       A        E    E4 E     Badd11           Aadd9
   I have no fear of time,       for who knows how my love grows?
     E                  F#m7   A      F#m7  E
And who knows where the time goes------------?

    E           F#m11/E       Emaj7        F#m11/E             E
||: /  /  /  / |  /  /  /  / |  /  /  /  / |  /  /  /  / :||   /  ||


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