RUN OVER BY A TRUCK -- WEEZER, "Raditude"(2009) Exact chords tabbed out by ClassicalfreaK, 2015 Send me suggestions: ============================================================ INTRO Am | D | Am | D VERSE Am D I used to sing songs at the break of the day Am D Zip a de do da, zip a dee ay Am D Workin' myself into a frenzy Am D But I don't do that no more no way Am D I used to likea learn how to speaka Chinese Am D Oh kudasai means "Baby, would ya please?" Am D Conjugatin' verbs with the greatest of ease Am D But I fell down hard on my bended knees CHORUS A7 D7 A7 I feel like I've been run over by a truck D7 A7 I don't care much about anything D7 I'm happy to sing A7 D7 I'm lacking the passion to do anything A7 D7 A7 I feel like I've been run over by a truck D7 A7 I don't care much about anything D7 So give me a ring A7 D7 And tell me to wake up and do anything VERSE Am D I used to play b-ball down at the park (park) Am D Running up the sideline until it got dark (dark) Am D Outside step over with my right foot Am D Push off with the outside of my left foot Am D I used to chat up the girls out in the club Am D Looking for one of 'em to give me some love Am D The show wasn't over til the dough boy come home Am D Young fat dog I love everyone CHORUS A7 D7 A7 I feel like I've been run over by a truck D7 A7 I don't care much about anything D7 I'm happy to sing A7 D7 I'm lacking the passion to do anything A7 D7 A7 I feel like I've been run over by a truck D7 A7 I don't care much about anything D7 So give me a ring A7 D7 And tell me to wake up and do anything BRIDGE GM7 CM7 Grandma never was a pushover F#m7 B7 Ain't nobody try to step to her GM7 CM7 F#m7 B7 She could teach a common hustler to dance in France GM7 CM7 Til a plane came a crashing down F#m7 B7 On the way to see the Cleveland Brown GM7 CM7 She was scrambling on fourth down F#m7 B7 GM7 CM7 How I wish that I had been around F#m7 B7 Oh----- GM7 | CM7 | F#m7 | B7 GM7 | CM7 | F#m7 | B7 GM7 | CM7 | F#m7 B7 I wish that I had been around CHORUS A7 D7 A7 I feel like I've been run over by a truck D7 A7 I don't care much about anything D7 I'm happy to sing A7 D7 I'm lacking the passion to do anything A7 D7 A7 I feel like I've been run over by a truck D7 A7 I don't care much about anything D7 So give me a ring A7 D7 And tell me to wake up and do anything (PIANO) Am D n/c I feel like I've been run over by a truck ================================================= Enjoy! Please tell me what you think in the comments. -ClassicalfreaK