Em Donuts! At the Big Donut. Am They make the world go round, Bm A treat when you are down. Em Donuts! At the Big Donut. Am Dunk them in coffee or tea. Bm Napkins are always free! Em Bm Now if a costumer chokes on a donut, (That ain't right) Em Em7 State law requires you assist them. (Help them out now) Em Take both hands! Push below the diaphragm! Am Bm Get them happy and breathing, As fast as you can.(That's the law) Em In the event of a fire, Bm Don't panic stay calm. Em There is a fire extinguisher, Em7 Against the back wall. Em There is a 6 percent subtax Bm on edible goods. Em Cause tax exemption Em7 is for unprepared foods. Am ... in coffee or tea. Bm Em Napkins are always free! No es muy dificil, facil de aprender y la canción es pegadiza. Disfrutenla.