歌手头像-Jw Broadcasting

Take Your Time Choose Wisely

音乐人: Jw Broadcasting

Take Your Time, Choose Wisely
JW Broadcasting February 2016

Intro: C Am C G
   C                                        Am
1. Everything was fine but I’m wondering: Who will I marry?
          C                                 G
What I’m doing right now is deciding not to hurry.
  C                                        Am
This is a choice that could either bring, laughter or sorrow.
         C                                                      G            G   F
And the feelings that start in a youthful heart, they could be gone tomorrow.

 G         C                     F
Take your time, patience is the key, 
      G        C    C   F
just wait and see.                         
G         C                                 F
Use your head, though your heart may not agree.
      G         C      Am       F  G      C  
And think: Is this the one for me? Possibly.
    Am                 F    G                   C
If you just take your time    and choose wisely.

(Notice!!! Here music goes down for 2 half-tones, without of changing capo. So we have another chords now)

Intro 2: C Am C G F D
2. And I wanted someone who will care for me.
And he made me feel special.
        D                                          A
But I knew in my heart this could never be successful.
   D                                       Hm
I wanna make sure it’s Jehovah’s way, let His word guide me.
         D                                               A               G
And I’m willing to wait just to have a mate living the truth beside me.

 A         D                     G
Take your time, patience is the key, 
      A        D    D   G
just wait and see.                         
A         D                                 G
Use your head, though your heart may not agree.
      A         D      Hm       G  A      D  
And think: Is this the one for me? Possibly.
    Hm                 G    A                   D
If you just take your time    and choose wisely.
A               D             
And choose wisely.


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