歌手头像-Jw Broadcasting

Where I Belong

音乐人: Jw Broadcasting

Where I Belong
JW Broadcasting - September 2016

C F Am G x2


    C    F        Am      G
Now everyone, it seems to me,
       Dm        Em      F       G
Knows just the place he wants to be.
    C          F        Am           G
I know what’s right; I know what’s wrong;
     Dm      Em        F    G
And, yes, I know where I belong.
    C        F        Am      G
It feels so good, so good to know,
     Dm        Em        F        G
Where I should be, where I should go.
    C         F          Am    G
To find good friends and company,
     Dm      Em      F        G
Who build me up and care for me.

      Am         C
Yes, here in my heart,
     G              F
The feelings are strong.
   Am          C          G             F
Jehovah, it’s you who’ll help me get through.
      Dm Em  F   G      C
And show me where I belong.

C F Am G x2

    C        F          Am      G
My heart is sure, it’s clear to me,
     Dm        Em      F      G
I’m standing where I want to be.
    C         F       Am      G
I read God’s Word. I make it live.
    Dm       Em          F     G
It moves my heart. What can I give?
     C     F         Am      G
And now I know; yes, now I see
       Dm          Em             F       G
Where real friends are; that’s where I’ll be.
         C    F        Am      G
They’re all I want; they’re family;
  Dm        Em      F       G
Jehovah’s gift with love to me.

      Am         C
Yes, here in my heart,
     G              F
The feelings are strong.
   Am          C          G             F
Jehovah, it’s you who’ll help me get through.
      Dm Em  F   G      C
And show me where I belong.


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