xThis is my tab of The Ultimate Showdown based on what I have figured out from listening to the song. Some of the notes aren't exact, but they are still in the same chord, so they work perfectly. Drop D Tuning: DADGBE Here are the chords you'll need to know: DADGBE B: x88766 or x23332 D: 000232 G: 020003 F: 133211 F#: 244322 C: x32010 Eb: xx5343 Bb*:xxx 10 11 10 F*: xxx565 G*: xxx787 Eb*:xxx343 D*: xxx232 The chords with a * are only played at the Chuck Norris interlude. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Verse Bass arr. for guitar Intro -------------------------------| -------------------------------| -------------------------------| -------------------------------| ---5------8---10---2-----1---0-| 5-----5-8---10--2----2-1---0---|x2 Verse Part A -------------------------------| -------------------------------| -------------------------------| -------------------------------| ---5------8---10---2-----1---0-| 5-----5-8---10--2----2-1---0---|x2 Verse Part B -------------------------------| -------------------------------| -------------------------------| -------------------------------| ---5------3------8------3------| 5----5-3----3-8----8-3----3----|x2 Play Part A again. Play part B again. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Chorus Strum Each chord 4 times, except for the last F. The lines between the chords are where beats 2, 3, and 4 are. B | | | D | | | G | | | F | | | This is the Ul-ti-mate Sho-ow-down of ulti-mate de-stiny B| | | D | | | G | | | F | | | Good-guys bad-guys and ex-ploo-sions as far as the eye can see B | | | D | | | G | | | F# | | | and on-ly one will sur-vi-ve I won-der who it could be C | | | D | | | Eb | | | F This is the Ul-ti-mate Sho-ow-down of ulti-mate de-stiny Then you do the whole verse and the the chorus, except on the chorus, don't sing the last, "of ultimate destiny". -------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck Norris Interlude Angels sang... ...descended Chuck Norris 1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 Bb* |F* |G* |Eb* D* Repeat this until: ...in between his thighs. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Play Verse Part B 8 times. That doesn't mean 8x2, just 8. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Play the Chorus. Play the C-D-Eb-F part of the chorus 2 more times. ===================================================================