[Intro/Verse/Chorus] Guitar 1 (Solo Posted Soon) In the verse and chorus there is a little variation on this pattern but same rhythm and notes. Can also be played on G string 2 and 0, but sounds more correct to recording on D. e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|---7--5----5-5h7----7--5--------7--5----5-5h7----7--5----------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Intro/Verse/Chorus] Guitar 2 This is the main riff for the intro it becomes simpler in the chorus, but it still uses the first three power chords in the same order. e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|2-2-----5-5-----7-7-----7-75-----------------------------------------------| A|2-2-----5-5-----7-7-----7-75-----------------------------------------------| E|0-0-----3-3-----5-5-----5-53-----------------------------------------------| [Intro/Verse/Chorus] Acoustic There is the slight sound of the acoustic in the background of this song. During the intro it would best to palm mute power chords along with guitar 2. During the verse using the strum D DU with a palm mute right after the U play chords: Em G A(bar across 2) During Chorus let ring with strum: D DUD D DUD D DUD DU U UDUDU Em G A(bar across 2) [Intro/Verse/Chorus] Bass Bass can also improv over or do walking line with 0,3,5 on E and 2,5,7 on A and D string G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|2-2-----5-5-----7-7-----7-75-----------------------------------------------| A|2-2-----5-5-----7-7-----7-75-----------------------------------------------| E|0-0-----3-3-----5-5-----5-53-----------------------------------------------| ************************************ | x Dead note | g Grace note | (n) Ghost note | h Hammer-on | p Pull-off | r Release | > Accented note | t Tapping | b Bend | br Bend release | pb Pre-bend | pbr Pre-bend release | / Slide up | \ Slide down | ~ Vibrato | s Slap | P Pop | PM Palm mute | TR Trill | N Tremolo ************************************