歌手头像-Frightened Rabbit

I Wish I Was Sober

音乐人: Frightened Rabbit

(capo 2)
Starts with off beat pulling the chords 

[Verse 1]
Fall prey to the blizzard head
C                G                  D
Wrapped my hand around the glass again
                            Em              C
We all thought that I might change as I got older
Fell down and nothing bled
C                 G         D
Wrapped in cotton alcohol again
                          Em            C
To the hill hear from the prick upon my shoulder

[Verse 2]
Free pour the fruitless thoughts
     C               G               D
It's far too late to talk so much but
Still not giving up though
  Em              C
I wish that I was sober

[Pre chorus]
C            G           D
Forgive me I can't speak straight
        C    G
Forgive me I can't
   C            G       D
Forgive me it's far too late

[Verse 3]
Choke down the gateway drug
C                    G                       D
Opened the gates, in came the flood, it comes
                         Em              C
Like a blush of love, it hits me without warning
Long nights of getting lost
  C                G                  D
I walk beneath the bridge I don't know
                        Em             C
I need black suit for tomorrow, I'm in mourning

[Verse 4]
My love you should know
    C               G           D
The best of me left hours ago so
                       Em               C
Shove it right into my mouth and let me smoulder
Fallout and the damage done
  C                 G           D
I can't un-sing the things I've sung
Still not giving up though
  Em              C
I wish that i was sober

[Pre chorus]
C            G           D
Forgive me I can't speak straight
        C    G
Forgive me I can't
   C            G       D
Forgive me it's far too late

G  C                 G        D
Oh come and shake me till I'm dry
     Em              C
Oh I wish that I was sober
G  C              G                D
Oh come to me and kill the night off
     Em              C
I wish that I was sober


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