Roll Me Away - Bob Seger And the Silver Bullet Band (Bob Seger, 1982) Chorded By: Skidaddy, Esq., G.Q. 4/4 TIME @ 128 and 132 BPM (4 Min. 42 Sec.) in 'G'. Chords Used: ----------- GUITAR KEYBOARD E A D G B e Bass| Chord ------------------ -------------- C - x 3 2 0 1 0 C G-C-E Dm7/C - x 3 0 2 1 1 C A-C-D-F F/C - x 3 3 2 1 1 C A-C-F G - 3 2 0 0 0 3 G G-B-D -OR- - 3 2 0 0 3 3 C/E - 0 3 2 0 1 0 E G-C-E -OR- - x x 2 0 1 0 F/G - 3 3 3 2 1 1 G A-C-F -OR- - x x 5 5 6 5 Dm - x x 0 2 3 1 D A-D-F Am - x 0 2 2 1 0 A A-C-E Em - 0 2 2 0 0 0 E G-B-E F - 1 3 3 2 1 1 F A-C-F INTRO: [8 M] ** TEMPO = 128 BPM - ----- |C |Dm7/C |C |F/C |C |Dm7/C |C |F/C | VERSE #1: [14 M] -------- |C |Dm7/C |C | Took a look down a west-bound… road… Right a-way… I made my choice… |F/C |C |Dm7/C | Head-ed out to my big two… wheel-… er. I was |C |F/C |G | tired… of my own voice… Took a bead on the |C |F |C/E |G |… | north-ern plains… and I just rolled… that pow-er on… VERSE #2: [16 M] ** TEMPO = 132 BPM - -------- |C |Dm7/C | Twelve hours out of Mack-i-naw… Ci-ty, I stopped in-to a bar… |C |F/C |C | … to have a brew… Met a girl and we |Dm7/C |C |F/C | had a few… drinks… and I told… her what I'd de-cid-… ed to do… |G F/G |C | She looked out the win-dow a long,… long… mo-ment, and then she looked in- |F |C/E |G |… |… | -to my… eyes… She did-n't have to say a thing… I |G | knew what she was think-in'… CHORUS #1: [16 M] --------- |C |F/C |C |F/C | Roll,… roll… me a-way… Won't you roll… me a-way… to-night… |C |F/C | I too am lost… I feel dou-ble-crossed,… and I'm… |C |F/C |G F | sick of what's… wrong,… and what's… right… She nev-er e-ven |C |F |C/E | said a word… She just walked… out… and got on that bike… |G |… |… |… | and we rolled,… and we rolled… clean out of INTERLUDE #1: [8 M] ------------ |C |F/C |C |F/C |C |F/C |C |F/C | sight… BRIDGE: [17 M] ------ |Dm |G |Dm |G | Rolled… a-cross the high… plains… deep… in-to the moun-… tains… |Am |Em |F |G | Felt… so good to me,… fin-… 'lly feel-in' free… |Dm |G |Dm |G | Some-where… a-long a high… road… the air… be-gan to turn… cold… |Am |Em |F |G | She said she missed her home,… and I head-ed off a-lone,… |G | oh… INTERLUDE #2: [16 M] ------------ |C |F/C |C |F/C |C |F/C |C |F/C | |C |F/C |C |F/C |C |F/C |C |F/C | VERSE #3: [16 M] -------- |C |Dm7/C |C | Stood a-lone on a moun-tain… top… star-in' down… at the Great Di-vide… |F/C |C |Dm7/C | … I could go east,… I could go west… It was… all… |C |F/C |G F/G | … up to… me to de-cide… Just then I saw a young… |C |F |C/E |G | … hawk… fly-… in', and my soul be-gan to… rise… And pret-ty |G |… |… | soon… my heart was sing-in'… CHORUS #2: [17 M] --------- |C |F/C |C |F/C | Roll,… roll… me a-way. I want you to roll… me a-way… to-night… |C |F/C | Got-ta keep roll-… in', got-ta keep rid-in',… keep… |C |F/C |G F | search-in' till… I… find what's… right… And as the sun-… set |C |F |C/E | fad-ed, I… spoke to the… faint-… est first star light… |G |G |… |… |… | and I said next time,… next… time… we'll… get it… CODA: [26 M] 'Refrain' (Lyrics in brackets '[ ]' are whispered.) ---- Orig. fades out, so just hold last 'C' chord to end. |C |F/C |C |F/C |C |F/C |C |F/C | right,… [right,…] [right…] Roll… me… |C |F/C |C |F/C |C |F/C |C |F/C | … a-way… Roll… me… a-way… to-night… |C |F/C |C |F/C |C |F/C |C |F/C |C |… | … Roll… me… a-way…