Verse 1: E Every day I open up my laptop G#m And log onto C#m7 Cuz there's a special someone A I've been waiting to see Am What a very special pleb E G#m Who is kinda fagish A F#m B A B Please Twitch chat, don't spam FailFish Verse 2: E G#m Forsen, don't stop calling whores and A When the chat gives you the name of a grill Am Call her quick or Hornpub will G#m G#m/C I would donate a dollarino to you C#m7 I won't call you gay A F#m B So the Nazi mods won't skip this song on Chorus 1: A E G#m C#m After playing this song I won't feel no remorse and A F#m B Ohhhh~ E B Forsen~ Verse 3: E G#m Forsen, grab some snus from the storesen A Don't listen to the cancer chat Am7 You're a beautiful little boy, you know that G#m G#m/C C#m7 There might be 20,000 people watching your stream A F#m B And they all spam dank memes: Kappa and FrankerZ Chorus 2: A E I know this isn't the kind of cancer you want G#m C#m A F#m B This is a shitty chorus and ohhhh~ E (E, D#, D on top two strings) Forsen ~ yeah ~ Bridge: A E I know I'm not so great at Hearthstone G#m G#m/C C#m7 But at least I know: "Well met!" A F#m But you can always know that you have B And the cancer Twitch chat! A E Can you please do another drunk stream? G#m G#m/C C#m7 Damn, this is a sad song BibleThump A But I don't care if you're a pleb F# I don't care if you're a fag A A/Bb And I would spam Kappa 'til it says B B/C Yeah, (bitch!) Verse 4: F Am Forsen, what else rhymes with "Forsen?" Bb Hope you're doing good over there in Sweden Bbm7 We all know you bought 2 kilos of dank weed and Am Am/C# All the F O R S E N B O Y S agree Dm7 You're a cute little pleb Bb Gm Please no copy pasterino this song C Or I will be very mad Verse 5: Bb F You're an alpha, alpha male Am Dm I just wish you would call more whores and Bb Gm C Ohhhh ~ (x3) F Bb Bbm F Forsen.... YEAHHHHHHHHHH BITCH