歌手头像-Misc Unsigned Bands

I Thought I Farted But I Shit

音乐人: Misc Unsigned Bands

(First Tab, sorry if formatted wrong)

Funny song I found on YouTube by Jeremy Perez. I noticed no one had put up on the website so I thought I 
would in case someone wanted to learn it to play at a party or something 

You can see the strumming and rhythm on the video if you haven't seen it
here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcZqUDTXCUA

Chords with * (e.g. G*) translate to one strum 

Intro, G 

G                                                  D
Headed down to to the coast, ridin' shotgun in the Jeep,

 there's a bubble in my belly and I hope it's really smelly I can feel it start 
   G                                                          D
to creep... So I leaned to my right, cos my cheeks were kinda tight, as I pushed 
                                                        G       (Pause)
a little bit I think like this I thought I farted but I shit... I thought I farted but I 
 C                                G                         C
shit, and now it's squishy when I sit, I got poop all in my crack and a little on 
   D                              G      (Pause)
my sack, I thought I farted but I shit... 
                      G                             D
Damn I hate it when I shart, I can't even trust the fart,

tried to give a little toot, now there's caca in my shoe, I thought 
               G      (Pause)          
I farted but I shit... 
                         C                                 G
I thought I farted but I shit, and now it's squishy when I sit, 
                     C                        D
I got poop all in my crack and a little on my sack,
 I thought I farted but I shit...
                     C                        D
I got poop all in my crack and a little on my sack, I thought I farteeeeed 
but I shiiiiit.


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