歌手头像-Woody Guthrie

Oregon Trail

音乐人: Woody Guthrie

Oregon Trail by Woody Guthrie (key of D)

(break V+C)

           |D                               |G          
I've been a grubbin’ on a little farm on the flat and windy plains
         |D                         |A              |D
I've been listening to hungry cattle bawl, I'm gonna pack my wife and kids
         |G                              |A                                 |D
I'm gonna hit that western road, I'm gonna hit that Oregon Trail this coming fall

         |G                                |D                              
I'm gonna hit that Oregon Trail this coming fall,
|G                                |A
 hit that Oregon Trail this coming fall
         |D                               |G
Where the good rain falls a plenty and the crops and orchards grow
         |A                                |D
I'm gonna hit that Oregon Trail this coming fall

        |D                               |G          
Well, my land is dry and cracklin' and my chickens they're a cacklin'
         |D                               |A              |D
cause the dirt and dust is gettin in their crawl,they been layin flint rock eggs 
        |G                               |A                                |D
I had to bust em with a sledge, I'm gonna hit that Oregon Trail this coming fall 


        |D                                     |G          
Well, my hogs and pigs are squealin'  They're a rockin and a reelin'
           |D                             |A              |D
Cause there ain't no water to water in the draw, I'm gonna grab one by his tail
        |G                                |A                                |D
Im gonna take that western trail And we'll hit that Oregon Trail this coming fall

       |D                                |G          
Now, my good old horse is boney, Yes he's dry and hungry too
       |D                               |A             |D
You can see his ribs three-quarters of a mile, Throw my kids up on his back
       |G                                 |A                                |D
and the day horse right on track And we'll hit that Oregon Trail this coming fall


       |D                                 |G          
Well my wife gets sort of ailin, When that mean old dust is sailin
       |D                           |A           |D
And she wishes for the days beyond recall, If the work there's in the future
       |G                           |A                                |D
in that north Pacific land, So we'll hit that Oregon Trail this coming fall



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