THIS SONG HAS BEEN TRANSPOSED INTO MANY KEYS AS LISTED BELOW. Hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song...Garry Smythe Please E Mail any corrections to :- [email protected] XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX BILL BAILEY Verse 1 G Won't you come home Bill Bailey, won't you come home? D7 I moaned the whole night long. D D7 I'll do the cooking, Honey, I'll pay the rent. D G I know I done you wrong. Verse 2 G Remember that rainy evening that G7 C I throwed you out..with nothing but a fine tooth comb? A7 G E7 Yes, I know that I'm to blame and ain't that a shame? A7 D7 G D Bill Bailey won't you please come home? Verse 3 G Won't you come home Bill Bailey, won't you come home? D7 I moaned the whole night long. D D7 I'll do the cooking, Honey, I'll pay the rent. D G I know I done you wrong. Verse 4 G Remember that rainy evening that G7 C I throwed you out..with nothing but a fine tooth comb? C A7 G E7 Yes, I know that I'm to blame and ain't that a shame? A7 D7 G Bill Bailey won't you please come home? OUTRO: A7 D7 G E7 Bill Bailey won't you please come home? A7 D7 G E7 Bill Bailey won't you please come home? A7 D7 G C G Bill Bailey won't you please come home?(Fade.) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Verse 1 C Won't you come home Bill Bailey, won't you come home? G7 I moaned the whole night long. G G7 I'll do the cooking, Honey, I'll pay the rent. G C I know I done you wrong. Verse 2 C Remember that rainy evening that C7 F I throwed you out..with nothing but a fine tooth comb? D7 C A7 Yes, I know that I'm to blame and ain't that a shame? D7 G7 C G Bill Bailey won't you please come home? Verse 3 C Won't you come home Bill Bailey, won't you come home? G7 I moaned the whole night long. G G7 I'll do the cooking, Honey, I'll pay the rent. G C I know I done you wrong. Verse 4 C Remember that rainy evening that C7 F I throwed you out..with nothing but a fine tooth comb? F D7 C A7 Yes, I know that I'm to blame and ain't that a shame? D7 G7 C Bill Bailey won't you please come home? OUTRO: D7 G7 C A7 Bill Bailey won't you please come home? D7 G7 C A7 Bill Bailey won't you please come home? D7 G7 C F C Bill Bailey won't you please come home?(Fade.) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Verse 1 D Won't you come home Bill Bailey, won't you come home? A7 I moaned the whole night long. A A7 I'll do the cooking, Honey, I'll pay the rent. A D I know I done you wrong. Verse 2 D Remember that rainy evening that D7 G I throwed you out..with nothing but a fine tooth comb? E7 D B7 Yes, I know that I'm to blame and ain't that a shame? E7 A7 D A Bill Bailey won't you please come home? Verse 3 D Won't you come home Bill Bailey, won't you come home? A7 I moaned the whole night long. A A7 I'll do the cooking, Honey, I'll pay the rent. A D I know I done you wrong. Verse 4 D Remember that rainy evening that D7 G I throwed you out..with nothing but a fine tooth comb? G E7 D B7 Yes, I know that I'm to blame and ain't that a shame? E7 A7 D Bill Bailey won't you please come home? OUTRO: E7 A7 D B7 Bill Bailey won't you please come home? E7 A7 D B7 Bill Bailey won't you please come home? E7 A7 D G D Bill Bailey won't you please come home?(Fade.) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Verse 1 E Won't you come home Bill Bailey, won't you come home? B7 I moaned the whole night long. B B7 I'll do the cooking, Honey, I'll pay the rent. B E I know I done you wrong. Verse 2 E Remember that rainy evening that E7 A I throwed you out..with nothing but a fine tooth comb? F#7 E C#7 Yes, I know that I'm to blame and ain't that a shame? F#7 B7 E B Bill Bailey won't you please come home? Verse 3 E Won't you come home Bill Bailey, won't you come home? B7 I moaned the whole night long. B B7 I'll do the cooking, Honey, I'll pay the rent. B E I know I done you wrong. Verse 4 E Remember that rainy evening that E7 A I throwed you out..with nothing but a fine tooth comb? A F#7 E C#7 Yes, I know that I'm to blame and ain't that a shame? F#7 B7 E Bill Bailey won't you please come home? OUTRO: F#7 B7 E C#7 Bill Bailey won't you please come home? F#7 B7 E C#7 Bill Bailey won't you please come home? F#7 B7 E A E Bill Bailey won't you please come home?(Fade.) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX